27 Mar 2009

Relictor Sternguard Veteran

So, I have made some slow progress with starting my Sternguard Unit. I'm gonna have a unit of ten so I can field 5 or 10 as appropriate. The thought of all that Special Ammo blasting away the Emperor's enemies is too good to miss! This one was from the original SM Veterans Boxset, I added a bolter sling (Cadian Lasgun strap).

I have been looking around for some backpacks to finish of these guys for some time, I did settle for normal SM backpacks with a painted numeral "I" on them to denote 1st Company but GW recently released a bitz pack containing 1 Chirugeon Backpack (Fabius Bile) and 4 Cypher Fallen Angel Backpacks, needless to say, these were just the ticket and screamed RELICTOR Veterans and the Chirugeon pack will suit my Apothecary (who said a 'lil bit of Chaos is not good for you?) Thank-you GW!
I'll leave you with some other views showing the backpack in all its ghastly glory. Only 9 Veteran Sternguard left...
(Awaiting Superglue from mail order, hence the sticky yellow tack between the backpack and body!)


  1. Awesome! Those back packs are a very nice addition and are a perfect fit.

  2. I do like those backpacks a lot. The paint job is the real winner here though. Great job!

  3. Well done Siph these look great - the Cypher backpack is a nice touch!

  4. The Cypher backpacks really suit the Relictors extremely well. Great paint job as well!

  5. Cheers Folks thank-you for your kind words, working on the next one, an old Blood Angel Death Company with Teardrops removed and replaced with tiny skulls (fiddly)and a WFB Chaos Marauder cloak but Vindicators are getting priority.

  6. Looking good, was rather tempted by those packpaks as well ;)

  7. Go on ahead Willem-Jan! Just do it. C'mon, Relictors need all the reinforcements we can muster. Lol

  8. Lookin' good! REAL good! Joey likes! :)

    I especially like the backpacks...they add a nice touch that I really didn't expect to work as well as it does. Good eye spotting those and putting them to good use!

  9. I almost went down that path as those backpacks are very nice indeed. Instead I've stuck with the normal backpacks as I didn't want to take away from the robes and converted weapons of my Sternguard....which I'm still in the middle of painting ;-)


  10. Great looking Vets Willem-Jan, I've got a whole 10 man Assault Squad with those Chaos helmets that look like skulls. Checked out your photobucket album, nice indeed. More relictor yummys.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)

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