10 Feb 2025

WeeMen at the Beachhead 2025 Titan Walk in Bournemouth

Hello all,
Titan Owners Club were invited to Beachhead 2025 for the 4th year running and gladly put on a demonstration game where we conduct a Titan Walk and interact with the public answering any questions they have about Titan ownership and making and painting and playing.
A selection of the Princeps playing this weekend

Titan line-up
Legio Astorum
Legio Astraman
A Psi Titan and Legio Crucius
Legio Astorum
Aeldari Titans
Another Psi Titan
Legio Ignatum
Legio Vulcanum
Legio Mortis
Legio Solaria
Legio Vulturum
Day 1 - Battle Photos

Day 2 - Battle photos
This Knight Lancer felled a Reaver Titan!
The Knight Cerastus Lancers form a vanguard to protect the God Engines
Another fabulous weekend of good gaming, great company and meals out. Lord H and myself both had an excellent weekend. I got another 7 titan kills for my Legio tally, a fair harvest.

Cheers, Siph

5 Feb 2025

Terrain and Scenery - Large Gothic Building to hide Titans #3

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. I had fun making the previous building and we had Titan Owners Club UK Walk on the near horizon so a few months ago I got to work making another big building as we would have four battle mats and one was a cityscape. This was made from 3 Pegasus Hobbies Large Gothic Building sets. The roof was made with foamcard and a few rhino APC spares.
Here it is painted and on the cityscape board for the Titan Walk. It did a great job shielding my own Warlord No.10 "Ex-Noctia" from incoming fire.
It was a blast and great to have a number of buildings and styles of buildings. On completion of the Walk I was handed enough Pegasus Hobbies building tiles to make 4 more ruined buildings - so next walk in February I guess will have a few more buildings bought along... better get buying magnets (all these four sides are magnetised for flat packing for ease of transport between events and stowage at home!)

Cheers, Siph (5pts terrain)

3 Feb 2025

Terrain and Scenery - Large Gothic Building to hide Titans #2

Hello All, thanks for dropping by. I have a few of the Pegasus Hobbies Gothic Buildings but I regulary attend Titan Owners Club Titan Walks where we battle our 28mm scale Forge World Titans, so that means making some scenery that can hide Titans to make it more akin to Adeptus Titanicus with cover rather than a shooting galley where Warlord Belicosa dominate everything - cheeky Knights and Warhounds are great variation and worry the best Warlord Princeps.
Its first outing was at London Grand Tournament in Lea Valley Athletics Centre in north London, sans roof - that was added later.
The London Grand Tournament Titan Owners Club UK Walk in September. The building was put to good use, blocking line-of-sight on more than one occasion helping the Warhound's survive fire from the massed Warlords.
It was used again at the UK Titan Owners Club main Walk at Huxlow Academy in Buckinghamshire in late October. Here it was on a dedicated city board with plentiful buildings, such a feast for the eyes. There was over 150 God Engines plus plenty of Knights too!
The main colours were basecoated black, zenithal sprayed Zandri Dust and washed with Dark Shade from Army Painter - this was the oil based dip and took 2 days to dry.
Posters and announcements were added. Doors sealed with Purity Seals after the church was bombed out and abandoned.
I love the addition of the posters, gives a sense of scale and lived in. The basecoats were drybrushed Ushabti Bone up 3/4 of the structure leaving the tops burnt.
Once again, mapped out on paper what tiles I would require and what was the largest building I could make with the box of parts fellow TOC Admin Col. Hertford had gave me and the above was the result.
This one could be a little more ornate, flying buttresses and spiked finials and even some gargoyles. The original building I did was plain Administratum type block solely for LOS blocking.
I made a quick floor from foam board so the battle map cannot be seen. I made a roof a few weeks after LGT, partially collapsed and burnt out, even a little roof for the porch too - after a specific request from Drake_Seta at Battle Bunnies and Titan Owners Club.
For size comparison - here is a Warhound, easily hidden
And easily blocks LOS for a Reaver
It can hide a Warbringer Nemesis Titan end on. 
A Warlord Titan is taller and wider but will block most of the Engine conferring the cover modifier to shooting.
And is fairly flat-pack-able so can be transported between events with the other large Pegasus Building and the Huge Crane!
Cheers, Siph (5pts)

27 Jan 2025

Relictors Space Marine Chapter - Castraferrum Venerable Dreadnought #14

Thanks for dropping by. This week's addition, another Castraferrum Dreadnought is added to the Relictors Battle Companies, this one is another metal old-school Venerable Dreadnought armed with Plasma Cannon and Dreadnought CCW with Heavy Flamer. My mate Goddenzilla who I purchased it from had converted the front glacis plate to make different from the stock model.
This was supplied with Aegis Defence Line Quad Autocannons but I have two Riflemen Dreads already so befitting of a Venerable Dreadnought I purchased a spare arm and used some bits from the bits box to make a suitable Heavy Flamer and Dreadnought CCW, fingers from a Brutalis Dreadnought, Heavy Flamer from the chest of a Leviathan Dreadnought.
This is now the 14th of many Dreadnought reinforcements I bought from Goddenzilla at Kaiju Country blog. Still 5 more to go, this was the additional Venerable Dreadnought Goddenzilla 'found' in the cupboard. Eventually as they are all updated, they will join my extensive Battle Companies.
Here is the Plasma Cannon spare from the plastic Venerable kit. Now with a suitable chassis.
And the two metal Dreadnoughts side by side, subtle conversions and arm swaps and metallics mean both look the business but not the same.

Cheers, Siph (5pts)
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