6 Jun 2014

Terrain and Scenery - Skull Watchtower Firing Platform

Another update whilst away at sea. This quick and easy terrain piece was made from a resin skull-faced pen holder pot and some Cities of Death floors. I mounted on 3mm Hardboard, sanded the edges and voila.
Ideal for mounting a Heavy Weapons Squad to give a commanding view of the battlefield. The rusty metal effect was a simple Chaos Black spray followed by drybrushing Macharius Orange and Boltgun Metal. Done. Simple and effective. I've used this effect before on Terrain like my Manufactorium Building or the Wrecked Landraider so this should fit right in. The base is Calthan Brown, drybrushed with Kommando Khaki and Bleached Bone.
For more Weeman terrain ideas please feel free to click here.

Go on, make this year the year you actually paint some of that grey plastic terrain!!


  1. Nice work mate - that technique is so simple but very effective.

    I'll definitely be remembering that one.

  2. Looks great! I think a lot of times we spend too much time on the details of terrain, when the simple solutions tend to work the best!

    Love your watch tower, it's awesome!

  3. Cheers Guys! Thanks for the praise. I'm quite liking terrain at the mo, it enhances the game and is quick to do. I'm kinda asking myself why I haven't done more by now!


  4. I also found...that terrain is a great way to practice new techniques and ideas. Even if you mess up, it just goes with battleworn/damamged. I started having a ton of fun with terrain once I let go about thinking it had to look like a well painted model.

    Now I airbrush, wash, throw weathering stuff at them...whatever techniques I can find to play around with!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)

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