18 Apr 2009
Relictors Thunderfire Cannon
15 Apr 2009
Battle Report Ultramarines vs Relictors 2500pts
## Transmission begins...
...Relictors have been spotted heading towards the ruined cursed temple of the Chaos Lord Vekar. A large task force of Relictors are to deploying to the North of the Codonic region. This was once an area for Imperial research before the Chaos incursion. There are four key points to control, a disused firebase and an abandoned bastion, both of which have vital information about the origins of the relic. There is also a large ruined area to the east of the temple which is believed to be the hiding place of the surviving research team. The final area to the west of the temple has hieroglyphs scrawled on a ruined bunker wall which could give the co-ordinates of a second possible relic. Primary mission is to secure the Temple ruins, secondary objectives are the extraction of the research team and obtaining any information useful to Inquisitor Lorr...
The Relictors assault sqd and Chaplain set up in the bunker objective and convoy of tac sqd Rhino and Vindys and Pred rolled on. More sqds were embarked in 2 other Rhinos and the scouts with Telion-esque set up in the bastion. The Dred and a Combat sqd set up near the central fuel depot. Assault Termies and Librarian, Tac sqd drop pod and 2 Landspeeder Tornadoes held in reserve.
Turn 4. The heaviest fighting occured near the centre between UM Tac Sqd and the newly arrived Relictor drop pod troops. The lone combat sqd survivor from a whirlwind barrage ran to the centre of the temple claiming the centre for the Relictors and the 2nd Rhino disgorged its Tac Sqd to reinforce the centre. Calgar and the UM Assault Termies finally completed their foot slogging to join in combat in the centre and a UM drop pod containing Tigurius and a Tac sqd landed in front of the Firebase and obliterated the Relictors surging forward to contest this corner then Fleet of Footed 18 inches to take out the Relictor Chaplain contesting the Firebase. (After some thought and heavy punishment from multiple Psychic shooting attacks and awesome CC, Siph thinks Tigurius is overpowered for 40k battles. Very annoying, must get one myself! - best for Apoc) (As long as you are on my side!!- Jedi) In the opposite corner the 2 UM drop pod survivors continued their unbelievable success and lauched a flamer attack on the Scouts occupying the Bastion killing the entire Bolter sqd and contesting the objective. The empty rhino on the Relictor right rammed the UM Pred causing no damage.
The final result saw 2 Objectives each and no-one in the centre double-objective. The result, a draw and thoroughly enjoyable (except Tigurius! - Siph) game. Both sides Assault Termies foot slogging weakness' were shown, Calgar and his squad not getting action until turn 4 and Relictor Lib and sqd seeing no action after destroying the assault sqd. The luck of the dice showed in the UM drop troops in the Relictor rear with and outstanding performance from the flamer armed Tac Marine! He deserves a re-paint, re-sculpt and to be mounted on a plinth for his deeds! (It shall be done! - Jedi) Siph learned that the range of his new Vindicators is quite short and Whirlwinds are great nuisance weapons - gotta get one of those! Porn-Star-Jedi learnt (again) that the best laid transport plans of LR mounted Termies don't always go to plan but Calgar and Tigurius are indeed Gods Of War!
9 Apr 2009
Shadowsword Variants Simple Conversion
8 Apr 2009
Marvelous Necromunda Find
7 Apr 2009
Relictor Vindicator #3 of 3 - Linebreaker Squadron
So without further rambling, here is the Squadron.
6 Apr 2009
Relictors Vindicator #2 of 3
5 Apr 2009
Relictors Vindicator #1 of 3
4 Apr 2009
Apocalypse Hints and Tips
I feel that an apocalypse battle needs good planning beforehand, the guys at Games Workshop had organised the whole event and sorted a clear battle plan and history for the battle. They supplied the tables, terrain, and in a game with over 20,000 points you need lots of terrain!
I planned my army the week before, as the initial plan was for 4,000pts per player. However, on arrival I was told that due to the Imperials being down a player that I could have more troops. Queue a mad dash home to pick up more tanks!
In my mind, there are a couple of key points that I took away from the battle which I would like to share:
- Time- We only had 2 hours play, and we were strict with the half an hour turn rule. This helped to keep the game moving. - It would of been good to have more time so look to have your battles over the course of a day/weekend
- Organiser- We had one of the guys from GW monitor the game for any issues/problems/bare knuckle fist fights etc- Having a strong organiser is essential for a smooth game.
- Space- We had 4, 8x4 tables so lots of space for all the weemen! - You also need to be able to reach models in the centre of the board, therefore having lower tables is best
- Communication- Talking to both your team mates and opposition is vital. Any roll you make needs to be done whilst one of the opposition watches to avoid any 'what was that roll for?' and 'how did you kill my super-heavy??)
- Dice, Dice and more Dice... I found it useful to have several different colours of dice.
- Having further space to keep you reserve units save, and out of the way.
- Troop choices are essential, simply these guys are needed to grab the objectives.
Hope that these points are useful!!
3 Apr 2009
Imperial force vs Orks Games Workshop Apocalypse battle March 2009
The battle was themed around the third War of Armageddon, a massive force of Orks clashed with the Imperial forces. There were 5 Ork players and 4 Imperial. Each player had upwards of 5000 points.
The Orks had 5 Stompas, and a Gargant- 7 Structure points and 4 shields. The orks also had renegade Imperial guard and Space marine units.
Imperial turn 1 started with the landing of the Thunderhawk Gunship (reserves were allowed on turn 1 due to the lack of time). Terminators and Marneus deployed from the gunship, ready to charge into assault that turn. The Sisters of Battle charged forward to comand the objective in no-mans-land. My Sternguard took control of the second objective in no-mans-land. The shooting phase was heavy, with all weapons fired at the Gargant and the Stompas. The Gargant lost all of its shields and 2 structure points. 1 Gargant was reduced to 1 structure point. The assault phase was swift as the Terminators and Marneus charged into the renegade Imperial forces and wiped them out without loss.