23 Nov 2008
Relictor Dreadnought
22 Nov 2008
Relictors Space Marine Scouts - Squad #1 and #2
21 Nov 2008
Relictor Rhino's
Here are my completed rhino's with markings and finishing touches and weathering etc.
13 Nov 2008
My Relictors - Paint Scheme

For those who don't know, the Relictors are deemed to be Excomunicate Traitoris as they dabble with Chaos Artifacts. But, they are sworn defenders of humanity and serve the Emperor of Mankind more than most - it's just that they believe that the best weapon to defeat Chaos is Chaos itself! They use the artifacts or Relics they find to defeat Chaos. A practice that nearly wiped them out when they were targetted by the Grey Knights and the Inquisition. A few Radical Inquisitors ally with them seeing the merits of what they do. (I have posted the Background of the Relictors elsewhere on this blog - keyword Background).
As the picture here shows (Thanks to SM Painter in Bolterandchainsword) I have brightened up the plain GW Relictor Scheme with bone coloured weapons and kneepads etc. The company I am making is the 5th Company, hence the black trim on the shoulder pads making them easy to paint (See Index Astartes for Company Colours - might even elaborate here if it is wanted). I plan the Veteran Units to have bone coloured trim as a dirty version of normal White Trim for 1st Company. They will also have bone coloured heads.
I plan to use the white skulls already on the Space Marine Transfer Sheet from GW as the Relictors Penitent Skull Chapter Badge along with plain white Tactical, Assault and Devastator markings on the other shoulder as required. Larger skulls are on the SM Vehicle Transfer Sheet and Imperial Guard already making ideal banner and vehicle markings. Belloflostsouls has a Relictor transfer sheet for download but I had already started painting before I knew of it's existence - i've started so i'll continue!
I'll aim to get pictures of my completed and WIP units here for your perusal.
Relictors Background Fluff Pt.II
This is derived, without permission, upon the Warhammer 40K intellectual property of Games Workshop Ltd, from articles by Graham McNeill and Andy Hoare from White Dwarf WD 281(UK) and WD 295(UK).
My Relictors Paint Scheme. (SM Painter by Bolterandchainsword.com)
Combat Doctrine and Organisation
The Relictors are known to follow the Codex Astartes as far as overall organisation is concerned, but it has been noted that they have strayed from approved doctrine in a number of other areas. The major difference between the Chapter’s combat doctrine and that of any other is in its use of captured enemy weapons. Many Chapters indulge in trophy taking, but the Relictors have in the past gone out of their way to capture, master and utilise weapons taken from the forces of Chaos. Despite the evident consequences of Inquisitorial sanction, they are thought by some to be continuing this practice.
Another notable feature of the Chapter’s organisation is the inclusion of more Librarians than is usual, a feature some observers have attributed to the Relictors’ homeworld proximity to the Eye of Terror.
In terms of battlefield tactics, many Imperial Commanders who have fought beside the Chapter have voiced concerns about its behaviour. It has been noted on many occasions that the Relictors will only embark upon specific courses of action if it meets their own criteria and will only fight alongside Imperial Forces if that agenda can be furthered.
The Relictors conform, at first appearance, to that of a standard codex Chapter, with ten companies divided into a standard mix of Battle, Assault, Tactical, Devastator and Scout Companies. But, it is at the higher echelons of the Chapter that many differences become apparent. The Chapter’s command ranks are gathered together in a group known as the Conclave and every decision concerning the Chapter’s deployment and operational doctrine is made here. Only those proven in combat and of guaranteed purity are permitted to rise to become members of the Conclave. As a warrior rises through the ranks he is gradually initiated deeper into the Chapter's mysteries and when judged ready, told of the truth behind the weapons wielded by the Conclave. It is these warriors who, after many days in prayer, are permitted to carry the Chapter's Daemon weapons into combat. The Chapter's Librarians meticulously screen potential initiates, rejecting all but the strongest candidates.
In battle the Chapter fights with a balanced mixture of forces and deviates little from standard battlefield operations. Only when members of the Conclave take to the field do the Relictors become something much more sinister. Senior members employ the weapons and individual squads can carry unholy artefacts utilising the power of Chaos against its foul minions.
Central to the Relictors belief system is the tenet that Chaos is not inherently evil, that it is merely a power that may be turned against those who wield it for evil. This manifests most commonly in the Chapter's use of captured Daemon Weapons but also extends to their increased reliance on Librarians. As a relatively new Chapter, the Relictors display a confidence of youth that borders on arrogance, as they believe that they have the strength of will and faith to resist the corruption of Chaos. They disdain those who do not have the courageto use such artefacts, claiming that the power of Chaos is a weapon like any other and that the evil that threatens to engulf the galaxy merits the use of such weapons.
The source of the Relictors geneseed is largely based on gene stock taken from the laboratorium on Mars and is thought to be composed of that grown from the Ultramarine and Dark Angels. If this is the case, then it would appear that the High Lords of Terra's reluctance to sanction the use of Dark Angel geneseed in the creation of new Chapters has relaxed somewhat. There are no recorded instances of unacceptable mutation in the Relictors' geneseed, though given their close working with the powers of the Warp, the Apothecaries and Librarians maintain a close watch on the purity of their Battle Brothers for any signs of aberration. It is rumoured that those zygotes that display mutation are allowed to mature before implantation into a host organism in order that the Apothecaries might better study the workings of Chaos on the flesh and how to defeat it. The source and veracity of these rumours are unclear and in all likelihood false.

Battlecry of the Relictors Chapter
Using the Relictors in 40K
Rules can be found in WD 281(UK) and 295(UK) but are basically Codex SM with the addition of one Daemon Weapon for an independant character, one per army, and one Chaos Standard in lieu of either a Chapter Banner or Company Banner. See Codex CSM for points and descriptions and please ask your opponent if these special rules are okay to use. Relictors cannot have Imperial Allies (for the fact that they are deemed Excommunicate Traitoris) except Radical Inquisitors. No Assassins, Deathwatch, Priests or Witchhunters and especially no Grey Knights!
11 Nov 2008
Relictors Background Fluff Pt.I
The RELICTORS were first founded in the Age of Apostasy originally designated the FIRE CLAWS and are believed to have been created from Ultramarines and Dark Angel gene-seed. A transcript of the Mythos Angelica Mortis suggests that the Fire Claws may have been one of the 20 or so Astartes Praeses Chapters formed to defend the Eye of Terror region of space. These included the Excoriators, Marines Exemplar, the Night Watch, the Subjugators, the White Consuls and the Relictors/Fire Claws and have served as part of the Imperiums defences against Chaos for nigh on five millennia.
The Astartes Praeses task, assigned by the Adeptus Terra, is to protect the Imperium from Chaos incursions from within the Eye. This is not an easy task and the Chapters bear the brunt of countless raids and Black Crusades before reinforcements reach them. Of major importance is the Cadian system.
The Adeptus Terra, also known as the Priesthood of Earth, is the central organisation of the Imperium to which most of the Imperium’s other official departments and organisations belong. The following are all formally part of the Adeptus Terra: Administratum, Departmento Munitorum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Officio Assassinorum, Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy and Planetary Governors. Only the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition are not formally a part of the Adeptus Terra.
Torva Minoris is the homeworld of the Fire Claws. It is situated in an area of Segmentum Obscurus notorious for the intensity of the Warp storms afflicting it. Torva Minoris is a satellite of the massive red giant Torva Prime and is classified by the Administratum as a feral world. The population are superstitious savages who worship the Fire Claws as emissaries of the God-Emperor when the Chapter visited them once a generation to carry off the most promising young warriors to its ‘sky fortress’. The tribes are known to revere the artefacts carried by the Space Marines as divine weaponry that can only be wielded by true and worthy servants of the God-Emperor; an attitude that seems to have been carried forwards into dogma of the Chapter. The Inquisition has since ruled that no Adeptus Astartes Chapter may recruit from Torva Minoris and it is believed the Ordo Malleus keeps a close watch on the world to ensure its ruling is adhered to. The superstitious natives of Torva Minoris now believe the God-Emperor has forsaken them and every year their ceremonies of abasement grow more extreme in attempts to atone for whatever fault has caused the emissaries of the God-Emperor to turn from them.
A plague of Warp storms affected the Imperium during the Age of Apostasy, during which invasion and insurrection were rife. It is believed the world was trapped within such Warp storms throughout the early years of the Chapter’s founding. The area surrounding the Torva System was so ravaged by the taint of the storms that frequent pogroms are to this day carried out to ensure instances of mutation within the population do not rise above tolerable levels.
The ‘sky fortress’ was the Fire Claws’ fortress-monastery, based on an ancient massive Ramilies Class star fort in geostationary orbit above the largest continent on Torva Minoris. Few Emissaries were known to have returned from the fortress, but those who have spoke of a monastery wreathed in perpetual gloom, where acolytes toil within locked cells to transcribe ancient, some say forbidden, texts as part of their training to become a brother of the Chapter. One such report, recounted by the notorious Heretic Archivist of the Gethsemane Reclusium, tells of the existence of a chamber deep within the fortress, sealed behind stasis fields and protected by the most severe of wards. Exactly what was held within this chamber is unknown, but the account speaks of a miasma of evil that leaks through the metre thick adamantium blast doors despite the safeguards. The Heretic Archivist’s writings suggest that the original witness was driven insane by what e saw and died a slow, painful death within the torture chambers of the Ordo Malleus.
The Epiphany and Renaming
The Fire Claws fought in the area around the Eye of Terror alongside the Cadian Shock Troops. They are listed in the annals of Imperial history on many occasions and have taken part in many glorious victories. Not least amongst these conflicts were the purging of the Cult of the Inner Eye, the First Siege of Cocalus and the Albrecht IV landings. They were also part of the relief force that made possible the evacuation of the millions-strong crusade army of Warmaster Hendrik during his ill-fated expedition into the Wheel of Fire, far from the Eye of Terror.
In the middle of the ninth century of the 41st Millennium, the Emperor’s Tarot showed a badly damaged Space Hulk emerging from the Warp near the Forgeworld of Stygies in Segmentum Obscurus and the Fire Claws were mobilised to investigate. The hulk was codified as ‘The Captor of Sin’ and contained a Chaos warband led by a Tzeentchian Champion known as the Excoriator. The Fire Claws used their Strike Cruisers to cripple the hulk and sent Terminator Assault Squads to investigate it, led by the Librarian Decario and the shadowy Inquisitor De Marche. The renegades realised they were doomed and made their final stand in the vast engine room, where Decario and De Marche both fought the Excoriator.
The Champion carried a Daemon sword, forged in the heart of the Eye of Terror, that had the essence of a Greater Daemon bound within it. De Marche quickly found himself out of his league as his Power Axe had no effect. His armour was cut open and he was grievously wounded. Decario’s Force Sword was shattered and his Terminator Armour was cut open in one foul swoop. Fortunately, Decario used his Power Fist to rip the Excoriator’s sword arm from its socket. Even though it was wounded the Champion fought on smashing down the Librarian and killing four more Terminators before Decario grabbed the nearest weapon and, with a prayer to the Emperor, took off the head of the Excoriator.
Decario’s Folly
Afterwards, Decario looked down and realised that the weapon he had used was the Daemon Sword. Instantly he felt that this weapon could be used to defeat Chaos. De Marche warned the Librarian that only he was trained to handle such diabolical weapons and Decario handed it over to the Inquisitor. On returning to their ship, leaving behind Adeptus Mechanicus survey teams to search the hulk for any archaeotech, De Marche explained with the help of Decario that this weapon could be used against Chaos and should not be destroyed. Together they convinced the Chapter Master not to destroy it.
Over the decades that followed, the Fire Claws scoured nearby systems, under the eyes of the Inquisitor Marche, in search for other such powerful weapons, weapons that could be turned against the Chaos advance toward Terra. They slowly collected more artefacts or relics and became known as the RELICTORS.
Thousands of traitors were slaughtered beneath Decario’s sword, and thousands more quelled in fear at the sight of it. It was then too that the Chapter’s Librarium began to overtake the authority of the Chapter Master for control of the Chapter.
Judgement and Crusade
Unfortunately, it did not take long for the rest of the Imperium to discover their use of Chaos weaponry in warfare and it was only a matter of time before the Imperium began to grow suspicious of the Chapter’s artefacts. Could he be so foolish to hold in his hands a relic of pure evil? What good could possibly come from the use of these weapons? A cell of Inquisitors, four Chapter Masters and an Emperor Class Battleship descended on the Relictors Fortress Monastery and they were forced to hand over all relics, De Marche and Decario to the Inquisition. As a penance for associating with the Dark Powers, the Relictors were sent on a century-long penitent crusade. Inquisitor De Marche was executed as a heretic and Decario was stripped of his rank and taken prisoner by the Inquisition a

Ephesus succeeded Decario as the Chapter’s new Master-Librarian. His mentor and friend Decario was all but dead at the hands of the Inquisition. Their victories in the name of the Emperor, too many to count, meant nothing to those who would question his means, but Ephesus knew in his heart the Decario would be vindicated yet.
Crusade and Conclave
Over the next few decades, Ephesus led his Relictors about the galaxy on their crusade, occasionally clashing with Chaos forces whenever they were found. It was during this time that Ephesus established The Conclave, an inner circle of trustworthy and battleworn Relictors including the Chapter Master, other high ranking veterans and almost all Librarians – this would act as advisors and leaders in battle. In time, The Conclave would eclipse the Chapter’s First Company, much in the same way as the Librarium had overtaken the Chapter Master’s overall control.
Sins of the Father
On the plant Monnad IV, a small planet near the Eye of Terror, Ephesus and his brothers clashed with a powerful Chaos Warlord named Gr’yythnyk, and fought to a stand off. In the midst of a raging battle, Ephesus and Gr’yythnyk duelled. Ephesus saw his foe’s weapon, a long Daemonic lance with cryptic inscriptions upon the shaft and knew what it would take to turn the battle.
He thrust and parried with his Force Staff, hurled psychic attacks at the traitor and as Gr’yythnyk thrust with his lance, Ephesus caught it and forced it from the Warlord’s grip. He turned the weapon quickly and watched it slide gracefully through the enemies armour. Even with war raging around him, he knew the battle was won. Ephesus dropped to his knees and prayed that the Emperor would let him use these weapons or good.
When Ephesus returned to the Battle Barge, he proceeded to ritually cleanse the weapon as he had been instructed to by Decario. For seven days he remained in the ritual without food or water and when he emerged he held the weapon, dubbed Shadowlance, at his side. He immediately convened a conference with The Conclave where he outlined the Chapter’s new mission: To continue Decario’s goal and turn the dark tide of Chaos upon itself. Only the most trusted Conclave would wield these weapons in battle.
Vision and Quest
Soon after this victory, the Relictors were summoned to aid the Hive World Armageddon against the Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka’s Waaagh! Invasion. They sped to the battle and were amongst the first of the Space Marine Chapters to arrive to aid the Imperial stalwart defence. The Relictors’ did not recognise the authority of the Imperial Commanders who publicly decreed that they were oath-breakers because the majority of the Chapter’s fighting strength was engaged in operations of their own elsewhere on Armageddon.
It was during this time whilst exploring the arcane ruins of the Angron Monolith that Ephesus was assailed by a vision of a massive red eye weeping blood. He took this as a sign of an impending attack from the Eye of Terror and withdrew his forces. The next time the Relictors were seen was at the orbital shipyards of Belis Corona and demanded a complete resupply of their fleet. After some tense altercations with officious Departmento Munitorum staff the Chapters demands were acceded too and their ships resupplied. With no further communication, the Chapter left orbit in the direction of the Cadian Gate. The Inquisition and the remaining armies on Armageddon took this as a sign of retreat but no further action was taken against them.
The Inquisition and Black Crusade
Once again at the gates to the Eye of Terror, the Relictors rejoined the Imperium’s defences. As the Relictors descended deeper into the Eye in search of tools of Chaos to turn against their foes, Ephesus began to teach the Conclave how to manipulate the ruinous powers and safely wield their weapons. When one of his more foolhardy pupils stormed a remote Inquisition Archive that held a Chaos Artefact, Ephesus joined only to keep word of the event from spreading – it is rumoured the pupil was beheaded for this insurrection, some say at the hands of Ephesus himself.
When Abaddon the Despoiler launched his 13th Black Crusade from the Eye of Terror, the Relictors were there to meet him in force. The Relictors stationed themselves in the Xersia System of the Cadia Sector, and once again fought bravely against the Chaos hordes. Many useful artefacts were collected in secret during this campaign.
After the campaign the Inquisition turned its investigations towards the Relictors. Continued conflict with the Inquisition and reports of strange weapons and unorthodox teachings from the Chapter’s Librarium led the Inquisition to declare the Relictors Excommunicate Traitoris and moved to destroy them for once and for all. Ephesus was warned of the attack by a mysterious source within the Inquisition and fled the Fortress Monastery with a sizeable proportion of his Battle Brothers just before it was destroyed by the Grey Knights of the Ordo Malleus under command of Inquisitor Cyarro.
Exodus and Alliance
Enraged that his Chapter’s many victories in the name of the Emperor would mean nothing and the loss of so many Brothers at the hands of the bloodthirsty and short-sighted Inquisition, Ephesus left the Eye of Terror and headed toward the Galactic Fringe with the remnants of his still loyal but misunderstood Chapter.
In the Ultima Segmentum, a small ship bearing the marks of the Ordo Malleus approached the Relictors ragtag fleet, but rather than fire upon the Relictors, the ship identified itself as the vessel of Inquisitor Lord Antioch and promised a peaceful passage if the Inquisitor was granted a safe audience with the Master-Librarian. Antioch came aboard the Relictor Battle Barge and met with Ephesus in private.
There, in Ephesus’ chambers the two talked of the Daemonic menace, the Emperor’s Will and the Inquisition’s stubbornness. Antioch was a radical and a kindred spirit to Ephesus, a hunter of Chaotic Artefacts, Relics and indeed intended to harness the powers of Chaos within the mortal bodies of Daemonhosts. It was Antioch that had warned Ephesus of the coming Grey Knights. The two forged a bond of friendship and eventually joined forces, setting off together in search of tools to use against the Ruinous Powers. Antioch used his influence to keep the remaining Relictors under the Inquisitions radar and Ephesus contributed his resources, men and knowledge to Antioch’s growing arsenal.
To this very day, the Relictors continue their fight against the Ruinous Powers using the very tools of Chaos against itself. Although labelled Excommunicate Traitoris, the Chapter remain ever loyal to the Emperor and abide by most part to the Codex Astartes.
Part II of this Background Blog will cover the Combat Doctrine, Organisation and Beliefs. Rules for using Relictors in Warhammer 40K can be found in WD 281(UK) and WD 295(UK).
8 Nov 2008
My Hobby Area and paint rack
6 Nov 2008
Tutorial - Basing Made Easy - 10 Steps to Perfection
Pot of water to rinse brushes and PVA glue.Drybrush (preferably an old one, this process will ruin a new brush eventually).Normal brush - 'Basecoat' brush size.Modelling sand - I use GW modelling sand.PVA Glue.Calthan Brown Citadel Foundation Paint.Kommando Khaki Citadel Colour paint.Bleached Bone Citadel Colour Paint.‘Ardcoat Gloss Varnish (or this stage can be done with watered down PVA)Matt spray Varnish or varnish you prefer (Purity Seal or Army Painter)Suitable Flock (burnt/scorched grass).Tweezers.
Stage 1 – Using an old brush, paint PVA glue on base straight from tube/bottle making a layer not too thick or thin. Push the bristles close into the model feet and be careful to wipe away excess glue from the bevelled edge before stage 2. Rinse brush in water after completing batch.
Stage 2 – Dip model in modelling sand up to its knees and gently compact the sand just above the base with finger tips to ensure a good bonding layer. Remove from sand and ever so gently brush any sand from models legs/feet tops and bevel base edge taking care not to touch base sand layer. Leave to dry overnight or at least 6 hours. You’ll remove excess sand from base once glue dry at Stage 3.
Stages 2, 4 and 7 completed.
Stage 3 – Use a used drybrush to gently stroke away any excess sand which has not glued from Stage 2 and apply a coat of ‘Ardcoat varnish or seal with watered down PVA (50:50) over sand to lock it in. Leave to dry for an hour or longer if watered down PVA. Don’t worry if you get a little on the paintjob, it will be sprayed with Matt varnish later, or PVA dries clear.
Stage 4 – Use a used drybrush to apply a good coat of Calthan (Mournfang) Brown to sanded base, take care near model or leave a gap around figure. Use an old normal brush to get paint up to and next to the figures feet and paint the bevelled edge with Calthan Brown, don’t worry if it is not a perfect cover, it will get another coat later.
Stage 5 – Give the sand a drybrush of Kommando Khaki (Karak Stone).
Stage 6 – Without the need to wash your drybrush, give a light drybrush highlight of Bleached Bone to sand.
Stage 7 – Tidy up the bevelled edge with a coat of Calthan Brown or your base edge colour of choice with normal brush.
Stage 8 – Use an old brush tip to add PVA random small daps of glue to base, one or two patches for each base. Add burnt/scorched grass flock to patches, I use a tweezer pinch load. Using the back edge of the tweezers I gently pat the flock down to ensure a good bond and then tap the base against the cutting mat to free any excess for recycling and blow the base to remove any stubborn excess. Add any tufts of grass with a small dab of Super Glue.
Stage 9 – Open the window or go outside, spray a coat of Matt Varnish over the whole model. Test first over a spare model until happy with process. I sprayed too close / too heavy on one scout and it ‘frosted’ ruining it and needing extensive scraping and re-painting!
Stage 10 (optional) – Paint a coat of ‘Ardcoat gloss on the bevelled edge of the base to protect and shine. I do my Relictor shoulder pads and any gold and glass effect too, and any lenses/glass for a reflective shine. Rinse brush thoroughly.