After I saw this on the FW website, I had to have one. I love it. Now they have many weapons and with the latest publication, official rules - however, how a Heresy Era Dreadnought gets into my post-Heresy era Chapter, never mind the five I'd want (!), would be a problem.
30 Sept 2011
Relictors Contemptor Dreadnought
After I saw this on the FW website, I had to have one. I love it. Now they have many weapons and with the latest publication, official rules - however, how a Heresy Era Dreadnought gets into my post-Heresy era Chapter, never mind the five I'd want (!), would be a problem.
28 Sept 2011
Tyrannofex Finished
After the flesh is finished, the entire carapace and talons are painted black. The carapace is then painted with purple and green streaks. I keep the paints pretty thin – the idea is not to give a visible streaking or blending, but for the carapace to appear black from a distance – but then change colour slightly in different angles/lights. Kind of like oil or a beetle shell. To be fair – its not 100% how I would like it, but its something that I can practice more with each model painted.
The carapace edges are then drybrushed yellow.
Minor details like tubes/eyes/bony bits are painted, a gloss varnish is applied, the base is painted up and Bob is your too-touchy-feely uncle!
6 Sept 2011
Weeman 3way
I will aim to have the scenario blogged over the next few weeks, as well as developmental rules for the 3way to see what you all think, and make adjustments as required.
The battle will be a big one, 3000 points each, so there will be 9000 points on the table- all vying for supremacy! I'm aiming to have my new daemon army finished for the battle- I'd better get painting!
Who will come out on top? Who will have their ego's boosted, whilst the others have theirs deflated.... And for the winner- the Golden Daemon trophy- until the next battle!!
WIP Daemon Prince
Here is a couple of shots of one of my many projects! as revealed a few weeks ago I'm moving away from the Ultramarine Blue, and building a Daemon force. My first models is my Khorne Daemon Prince, a former mighty space marine, that has reached the pinnacle- and has gained full daemonhood- his sole mission now- to gain Skulls for the Blood God...
1 Sept 2011
WIP – TyrannoFex/Painting ‘Nid Flesh
This post is about how I paint the flesh on my ‘Nids (that sounds a bit…weird…doesn’t it…?).
After giving the model an undercoat spray of Skull White, I paint the flesh on the model with a custom wash made up of Dark Angels Green and Calthan Brown. The main purpose of this wash is just to give the flesh its green colour as opposed to shading.
If I am painting gaunts, I like to vary the flesh tones so they aren’t all uniform; so will sometimes just give them a couple of coats of this wash and not carry out all the other steps.
After that wash has dried, I give the model a thorough wash with Ogryn Flesh. I really like this wash (although it stinks…) as it gives the flesh an earthy, tobacco tone and helps shade the recesses. I dont pay too much attention to where the wash is going, so long as it covers the flesh. Unless there is a pool that is clearly going to dry too dark, I will generally let it do its thing; this is supposed to be mottled flesh after all, not uniformly painted power armour.
Lastly I give all the flesh a thick wash of Thrakka Green. This takes the model from being brown-ish and back to green. For a comparison of what the other washes add to the flesh effect, I painted the top of the carapace with Thrakka Green directly over the white undercoat.
And that’s it, 3 washes and the flesh is done! Next up - the carapace.