Here is the completed Sergeant for my forthcoming Relictors Bike Squad. The rest of the squad shouldn't take as long now I know whats being painted and where. And the rest are standard marines except the plasma gunner (love the old metal torso with hip resting Plasma Gun).

I am going to keep the rest of the squad consistent when it comes to bike markings, buttons, etc. Only the Sergeant has the fancy golden feathered fairing and skull headlamp.

This last photo I like to think is the last thing the enemies of the Emperor will see before their heads leave their bodies...

The blade is painted Regal Blue with two washes of Badab Black to give a rich dark dark blue base (Necron Abyss would suffice - but the washes give you a progressive darker colour toward the hilt if left upright to dry and pool), followed by dry brush edge highlight in Regal Blue, Hawk Turquoise and 50:50 Skull White:Hawk Turquoise getting progressively toward the tip of the blade.
Really like the blade mate, thanks for telling your mix. Really nice mini.