Its first outing was at London Grand Tournament in Lea Valley Athletics Centre in north London, sans roof - that was added later.
The London Grand Tournament Titan Owners Club UK Walk in September. The building was put to good use, blocking line-of-sight on more than one occasion helping the Warhound's survive fire from the massed Warlords.
It was used again at the UK Titan Owners Club main Walk at Huxlow Academy in Buckinghamshire in late October. Here it was on a dedicated city board with plentiful buildings, such a feast for the eyes. There was over 150 God Engines plus plenty of Knights too!The main colours were basecoated black, zenithal sprayed Zandri Dust and washed with Dark Shade from Army Painter - this was the oil based dip and took 2 days to dry.
Posters and announcements were added. Doors sealed with Purity Seals after the church was bombed out and abandoned.
I love the addition of the posters, gives a sense of scale and lived in. The basecoats were drybrushed Ushabti Bone up 3/4 of the structure leaving the tops burnt.

Once again, mapped out on paper what tiles I would require and what was the largest building I could make with the box of parts fellow TOC Admin Col. Hertford had gave me and the above was the result.
This one could be a little more ornate, flying buttresses and spiked finials and even some gargoyles. The original building I did was plain Administratum type block solely for LOS blocking.I made a quick floor from foam board so the battle map cannot be seen. I made a roof a few weeks after LGT, partially collapsed and burnt out, even a little roof for the porch too - after a specific request from Drake_Seta at Battle Bunnies and Titan Owners Club.For size comparison - here is a Warhound, easily hidden
And easily blocks LOS for a Reaver
It can hide a Warbringer Nemesis Titan end on.
A Warlord Titan is taller and wider but will block most of the Engine conferring the cover modifier to shooting.
And is fairly flat-pack-able so can be transported between events with the other large Pegasus Building and the Huge Crane!
Cheers, Siph (5pts)
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