25 Nov 2024

Reaver Titan - Battle Bling Vulcan Mega Bolter Alternative Weapon Option

Hello Titanseers, thanks for dropping in. I bought an alternative Reaver Titan carapace weapon a while back, it was from Battle Bling, an alternative parts manufacturer that does resin parts. One part they did at 28mm scale was the alternative Vulcan Mega Bolter. Twinned with Gatling Blasters "Aquila Occulus" has much Dakka Dakka! 
I already have a converted Vulcan Mega Bolter made from a Warhound Titan arm, it's a shame Forge World STILL don't make any other options for the Reaver Titan carapace other than the original Apocalypse Missile Launcher. This Battle Bling version has a shorter and more rounded profile than the FW arm weapon version, but I quite like the chunky-ness - the design has grown on me now it's painted up.
The 3D-printed parts came without vents, cleaned up and virtually ready to assemble out of the box. The body is made of two parts, plus the mount and two plates which cover the join between the two parts. The armour plate sits on top into two grooves.
The mighty barrels come in three parts each, well detailed and no clean up required. I weathered the barrels like my other weapons using four washes to add heat staining.
The rear end has a nice amount of detail.
Looks the business, much Dakka Dakka!

Thanks for dropping by. Cheers, Princeps Siph (5pts)


  1. That Reaver looks mean. I think this has a better look, I am just missing the ammo creates.

  2. Wot he sed. I really the idea of twin laser gatling blasters and a two Vulcans on the roof. I'm now wondering if anyone does Vulcans in an AA mount (?)


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