27 Nov 2024

Relictors Space Marine Chapter - Castraferrum Venerable Dreadnought #13

Thanks for dropping by. This week's addition, another Castraferrum Dreadnought is added to the Relictors Battle Companies, this one is a metal old-school Venerable Dreadnought armed with Assault Cannon and Dreadnought CCW with Storm Bolter.
This is now the 13th of many Dreadnought reinforcements I bought from Goddenzilla at Kaiju Country blog. Still 6 more to go as I have been given an additional Venerable Dreadnought Goddenzilla 'found' in the cupboard. Eventually as they are all updated, they will join my extensive Battle Companies. Below you can see the Goddenzilla original scheme.
Goddenzilla slightly converted this one with the addition of a Terminator Head
All the grey panels were repainted and the golds with Retributor Gold, washed with Reikland Fleshshade. 
As this is a highly decorated and honoured Venerable, it will remain with 1st Company.
I also re-did the base to match my existing forces

Thanks for dropping by, cheers, Siph (5pts)

25 Nov 2024

Reaver Titan - Battle Bling Vulcan Mega Bolter Alternative Weapon Option

Hello Titanseers, thanks for dropping in. I bought an alternative Reaver Titan carapace weapon a while back, it was from Battle Bling, an alternative parts manufacturer that does resin parts. One part they did at 28mm scale was the alternative Vulcan Mega Bolter. Twinned with Gatling Blasters "Aquila Occulus" has much Dakka Dakka! 
I already have a converted Vulcan Mega Bolter made from a Warhound Titan arm, it's a shame Forge World STILL don't make any other options for the Reaver Titan carapace other than the original Apocalypse Missile Launcher. This Battle Bling version has a shorter and more rounded profile than the FW arm weapon version, but I quite like the chunky-ness - the design has grown on me now it's painted up.
The 3D-printed parts came without vents, cleaned up and virtually ready to assemble out of the box. The body is made of two parts, plus the mount and two plates which cover the join between the two parts. The armour plate sits on top into two grooves.
The mighty barrels come in three parts each, well detailed and no clean up required. I weathered the barrels like my other weapons using four washes to add heat staining.
The rear end has a nice amount of detail.
Looks the business, much Dakka Dakka!

Thanks for dropping by. Cheers, Princeps Siph (5pts)

22 Nov 2024

Primaris Deathwatch Desolators - Done!

 Hello one and all!

This weeks offering to the Hive is 10 Deathwatch Primaris Space Marine Desolators. These guys have been altered, from the Nerf gun welding marines, to something more stylish in my eyes.

I had thought of moving the main missile weapons to the backpack, however the rules impled that the smaller rockets could fired at any target - even unseen, so for me these had to be moved from the gun, as it made no sense to have a marine pointing a gun at a target it can't see.

Thus, the conversion happened. I used the HH Heavy bolter as a base, chopped it up to be the rear section, then added the cut back missile pods. The smaller rocket pod was then attached to the target sensor on the backpack. 

The marines were painted as per the normal Deathwatch style, and on resin bases. These guys look the part for me! LH (10pts)

18 Nov 2024

Necron Dynasty - Destroyer Cult Re-Based

Hello Overlords, since the Lokhust Heavy Destroyers came out, the change of base from the clear flying stands to the terrain bases is something I liked a lot. So, I made plans to change the entire Destroyer Cult to the new style bases. They look much better together with the terrain bases.
Here is a Destroyer, a Heavy Lokhust Destroyer and a Destroyer Lord for comparison.
The original Lokhust Heavy Destroyers were conversions, and the Destroyer Lord.
Three Lokhust Destroyers
Three more Lokhust Destroyers
And the final three.

Thanks for dropping by. Cheers, Siph

11 Nov 2024

Legio Astorum Forge World Warbringer Nemesis Titan - COMPLETED

Hello Titanseers, thanks for checking this completion post out. So, here it is Warbringer "Mons Vesuvius" walks for Legio Astorum. Completed now and ready for adventures at Titan Owners Club event Walks. 
The Titan is fully magnetized for ease of storage (if I run out of display cabinets), transport and if I want to swap out the main gun for a Mori-Quake Cannon and Magazines from the second Warbringer kit I have.
Mons Vesuvius armed with Belicosa Volcano Cannon, Battle Titan Volcano Cannon and Gatling Blaster

Here the crew can be seen in the Command Deck, Princeps on the Command Throne and two Moderati
Up top on the Observation Deck is the Master of Ordnance doing some spotting
The battle honours are listed on the Banner, and the ruins on the base come from the original rescue job which had a large ruined base which was too large and heavy for my liking and didn't suit my other titans.
On the reverse of the Banner is the Titan Owners Club crest.
The access deck to the Titan when docked in the transport Coffin Ship
The main armament is wired into the generators beneath the void shield generators. These are magnetised so the whole assembly can be removed. The hoses are magnetised at both ends in the pre-drilled holes. The Volcano Cannon capacitors are also magnetised to the torso hull with 5 neodymium magnets each in the pre-drilled holes (6mm diameter, 2mm deep).
The AA batteries are also magnetised and rotate and gun barrels depress and elevate.
The scroll work is High Gothic (pigeon Latin) for "Win Victory by the Emperor's Might"
The Mars-Alpha head. My second kit has the Mars-Delta head.
The secondary armament here is the Battle Titan Volcano Cannon
The other arm is less reactor-heavy, the multi-barrel Gatling Blaster
I love the addition of the flames on the legs, preserved from the original Legio Fureans scheme on the original rescue titan. Now recoloured to represent Legio Astorum.
The same on the thigh armour, it was black flames and repainted for Astorum.
Rather happy with this new acquisition for the growing Legio Astorum Maniple "The Emperor's Halo". Here you can see the teflon coasters under the base for ease of movement on the battle mat at Titan Owners Club events. 

Cheers, Princeps Seniores Siph (50pts)

8 Nov 2024

Deathwatch Primaris Captains - Done!

Hello one and all.. I'm still here!

This weeks offering is 2 Primaris Captains for my Deathwatch force.

First Captain, this captain - from the Brotherhood of a Thousand chapter is the standard Gravis captain, with a space wolves head swap. The armour has been painted as per other Deathwatch forces, with the addition of a purple power sword.
Up next, is Captain 2.. Similar to some of my Deathwatch force, the Captain has had the Power Sword swapped with one of the Necron power weapons, I like the idea of the Deathwatch accessing enemies weapons to fight them.. This model also has had the addition of a 3D printed 'Skywalker' head.

Overall, happy with the look of these two. 

Thanks for stopping by. LH (20pts)

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