Having got my 'geek on' fully, recently and started putting together potential army lists for BW3, however I wanted to firstly paint one of my favourite characters from the daemon codex- Skulltaker.
Here is a picture of my current WIP.
The 'flaming' hellblade was done using golden yellow directly onto the black undercoat. I had planned to use a foundation paint first (I forgot to take the paint with me when I was working away from home) hence I went straight for the yellow. I found that the golden yellow's finish didn't completely cover the black, however this in fact enhanced the look of 'flames' I then added fiery orange, then blood red to the sword. I am currently toying with the idea of adding black/white to the tip of the sword.
For the body I went for Mech' red foundation first, then scab red, then onto blood red. I will be adding a wash and highlighting up from there.
The skulls and cloak need some work to complete, as does the horns- I'm not sure whether to have red horns, or black- this will probably done towards completion of the model.
Will this model be making an appearance at BW3? I guess you'll be asking- maybe- maybe not- I've got another conversion in mind....