13 Jan 2025

Mechanicum - Vultarax Stratos Automata

Welcome Engineseers and Readers All, thanks for dropping by. The newest addition to my growing Mechanicum Taghmata 30K forces is a non-plague drone, a Vultarax Stratos Automata. The origins of the Nurgle Plague Drones are clear to see. A marvelous reverse engineering by the Forge World designers to give us the original non-corrupt drone.
The most common form of stratos-automata in widespread use by the Mechanicum Taghmata, the Vultarax is a robust, multi-role war engine drawn from ancient pre-Imperial STC designs. Heavily armed, fitted with sophisticated sensory gear, and able to operate in diverse and hostile environments, it serves as a keystone of Explorator expeditionary forces – both as an armed, high-mobility scout, and as a rapid response unit in open battle.
This was bought second hand from a Titan Owners Club mate Luke who had an extensive Malinax Mechanicum force which I am slowly re-dedicating back to the Golden Throne and true Omnissiah! But I felt the original creams of the scheme could be preserved in an insect like striped pattern. 
I added a few details and recoloured some lenses and cables to suit my own forces but the heavy work had been done by Luke.
I also weathered the decals I added to match somewhat the worn and dirty panels of cream. I think the reds were later applied or fare better in the weather of whichever planet these operate on, hence the less weathered reds.
So insect like, so Plague drone-y...
Thanks for dropping in. A nice addition to the Mechanicum Taghmata.

Cheers, Siph (5pts)


  1. This is awesome, a great model and very striking. I like the clever idea to make it more insect-like with the stripes. My Mechanicum will be yellow and black, so if I followed suit with one of these it'd be like a mechanical bee! 🐝🤣

  2. I do like this, very much indeed.

  3. That's a fetching scheme...I wonder how it would translate to tiny Mechanicum...great work there. While the plague drone vibes can't be ignored, its a fun model that definitely carries the creepy Mechanicum feel. The re-dedication worked!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)

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