6 Sept 2024

Lord TITANium - Warlord Titan #2 - Psi-Titan WIP

Hello one and all!

Up this week for your viewing is my next Warlord Titan, however I'm pushing the boat out and going all in for a PSI TITAN at 28mm scale. For this, I will be doing bespoke 3D printed parts for the Titan, including armour plates, weapons and psi-matrix crown, as FW/GW do not support 28mm Titans fully.

The build was ok, with the model pinned in all the places possible to help support the model. I have printed a portion of a 28mm printed Warmaster carapace for the Titan to be standing on. 

I've opted for a colourshift paint for the armour panels, using a matt black base, then a gloss, then several passes with the colourshift. The plates will also have silver trim, which I think will fit better than a gold scheme. 

So far the model has Apoc Missiles for the carapace, but I might also print some Gatling Blasters if the Titan is to be used 'more upclose' 

I've also printed a Heavy Volkite and a C-Beamer for the model, as well as a CC option.. more to follow soon.


1 comment:

  1. oooh, That's exciting. Looking forward to see how this works out.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)

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