31 Aug 2024

Relictors Space Marine Chapter - Castraferrum Dreadnought #12

Thanks for dropping by. This week's addition, another Castraferrum Dreadnought is added to the Relictors 5th Company, this one is a Hellfire version, Twin-Lascannon and Missile Launcher.
This is now the twelfth of many Dreadnought reinforcements I bought from Goddenzilla at Kaiju Country blog. 6 more to go until they are all updated and join my extensive Battle Companies. Below you can see the Goddenzilla original scheme.
I've updated the base to match my others, and lightened the scheme overall. With the addition of the chaos vehicle accessory it harks back to my original and first dreadnought in 2008 (HERE

Thanks for dropping by, cheers, Siph (5pts)

26 Aug 2024

Necron Dynasty - Ophydian Destroyers w/ Plasmacyte

Hello All, thanks for dropping by. The latest addition to the Dynasty is a squad of Ophydian Destroyers.
Ophydian Destroyers echo elements of servile Canoptek Wraiths and reviled Flayed Ones in their murder-optimised bodies. Tunnelling through solid ferrocrete with frenzied violence and flickers of dimensional displacement, they burst into view to ambush, hack and rend their prey apart.
These are armed with Hyperphase Weapons and Ophydian Claws, the recent rules changes streamlined these to just Hyperphase Weapons rather than 3 profiles on the box.
The other rule they have is they can use Tunneling Horrors, basically if not in combat, they can move off the battlefield and reappear next turn 9in away from enemy.
The Plasmacyte gives the squad Devastating Wounds once per battle with no drawback they used to have.

Cheers, thanks for dropping by. Siph (7pts)

19 Aug 2024

Legio Astorum Warhound Titan "Canis Sirius" No.6261 from Forge World - COMPLETED

Legio Astorum Warhound Scout Titan "Canis Sirius" Walks!
The re-paint and re-touch of Princeps Aaron's Sirius is now completed and transferred to the Emperor's Halo Maniple. 
The Legio Astorum proud livery on the Carapace and name on the shin.
A fancy Titan Owners Club crest on the reverse of the heraldic banner.
The other shin has some unique kill markings made from the gilded heads of the enemy Princeps Canis Sirius has defeated, this does not sit well with the Maniple Princeps Maximus as Legio Astorum are not accustomed to such barbaric actions.
The internals and Command Deck are all painted and accessible. The Princeps has purple coat to match my original Warhound's Canis Bellum and Canis Praetor.
Canis Sirius is magnetised for easy transport to Titan Owners Club events, at waist, neck, and weapon arms. The carapace and head cowling are also removable.

Two Squadrons of Warhound Scout Titans of Legio Astorum's "Emperor's Halo" Maniple
(and a Space Marine Terminator for scale!)

Thanks for stopping by, Cheers, Princeps Seniores Siph (25pts - repaint of Aaron's Warhound)

12 Aug 2024

Legio Astorum Warhound Titan "Canis Sirius" - WIP #2 - Torso, Head and Plasma

The continued re-paint of "Sirius" has progressed well, only minor touch-ups and trim and repainting of some details has taken place. The base is now finished off and the excessive (for my taste and to match rest of Maniple) foliage was removed and rocks placed in their stead. The titan is now securely glued and screwed to the base.
As you can see the job of updating the Warhound now named "Canis Sirius" is now almost completed. I love this stage when the Titan starts all coming together how I like it, whether its a new build or a re-paint. It's nice to see the progress in a project.
The Plasma Blastgun magnetic coils were picked out again to match my previous plasma weaponry, with pulsing blues. An easy to achieve effect which looks effective on these large titans.
The proud Princeps Aaron on the Command Throne. I just retouched the crew and painted the 'Hound's nose blue, added some bronze detailing and picked out the Auspex/Headlamps.
The Carapace, Head and Torso added to the completed Legs, nearly done, an Inferno Cannon, Banner and Head Cowling to finish off.
The weapon arm caps were repainted blue to match the other four Mars Pattern Warhounds I already have. The Void Projectors were also repainted  from a glowing yellow back to my usual silvers and blue glow. The inside was already done by Aaron, thanks mate!
I repainted the underside of the Torso, now metallic and bronze (Scale75 Decayed Metal), and added warning chevrons to the underside of the crew elevator.
Both sides of the rear carapace have the AdMech sigil, some trim tidy up just spotted...
And the Exhaust vent heat exchangers, cooling some of the excess reactor heat. It shouldn't take too long at all to get this Warhound back on the frontline. Thanks to Aaron for the opportunity to add one of his 'Hounds to my own forces.

Cheers, Princeps Seniores Siph.

5 Aug 2024

Legio Astorum - Forge World Warlord 'Ex-Noctia' - Belicosa Volcano Cannons - COMPLETED

Hello Titanseers, thanks for dropping by, I have completed the Belicosa Volcano Cannons from last week, now Warlord "Ex-Noctia" has some long range power to accompany the Arioch Power Fists it was delivered with. 
Ex-Noctia's stance is fairly static so some long range fire-support suits the pose. The red preserved stripes on the Belicosa fits in with the titan scheme nicely.
The heraldry scheme is mirrored on both shields, but the cannon stripe I preserved some skull decals on one cannon, the other cannon I added an Astorum Halo sigil.
The Heraldic Shields are magnetised, no reason other than the previous owner had done this.

A link to Warlord Titan Construction process can be found HERE.

Cheers, Princeps Seniores Siph (20pts - two spare weapons)
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