22 Jul 2024

Adeptus Mechanicus - Secutarii Hoplites 'Titan Guard' - Squad #5

Hello All, thanks for dropping by. Here is the fifth and final squad of Secutarii Hoplites. These were the last squad of the painting commission I had ordered. More Infantry choices for Ad Mech, and more Titan Guard to protect my God Engines!
Another five Secutarii Hoplites of Legio Astorum, gene-bred to protect the Adeptus Mechanicus war engines and the mighty Titans of the Collegia Titanicus lead by the Secutarii Alpha (denoted by yellow and gold pauldrons).
And five more to complete the Commission, 50 Hoplites and 50 Peltasts in all. My Mechanicum/Ad Mech foot troops have more than doubled in numbers now, I hope 10th has rules for these? They are armed with Arc Lances and Mag-Inverter shields and sheltered by a harmonic Kyropatris Field Generators - The Arc Lance was a 12in, S6, Assault 1, AP-1, Dmg1 weapon, but when damaging vehicles is D3 damage. In melee it is also S+3, so S6, AP-1, Dmg1 and against vehicles D3 damage. The Kyropatris Field Generators so have a 5++. Where the Shield comes into force is in melee, it gives a 4++ against melee weapons and if an unmodified save from a melee weapon hit is a six - that inflicts a mortal wound on the attacking unit after the attacks have been resolved - back in your face! I hope this made it into Legends or into 10th soon.. regardless, they are cool minis.

Cheers, Siph.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)

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