16 Oct 2024

WeeMen at Titan Owners Club UK Walk 2024

Last weekend Lord TITANium and myself attended the UK Titan Owners Club main Walk, with over 150 God Engines and numerous Knights battled over 4 battle mats in two Halls. Great fun was had all weekend, and we look forward to the next Titan Walk!
The motley bunch of Princeps

Siph's own Legio Astorum

14 Oct 2024

Dreadtober 2024 - Cerastus Knight Progresses

Hello Dreadtober-teers, progress is happening with the Cerastus Knight Lancer, base is finished and endo-skeleton is basecoated, needs more details finishing.
I actually am waiting on three Taro Modelmaker solid in-fill shields for the three Lancers I have but for now I tired my hand at a little blue energy glow on the Lancer's shield, came out quite good! Just drybrushed from dark to light and large patch to smaller.
The base has a fallen enemy Knight arm from House Malinax, decals from AT boxset. The gubbins inside the torn off arm are from a Ad Mech Torsion Cannon.
Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, starting 1st Oct and completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) and I like to partake in Dreadtober, and have done for a few years, check out the link in the sidebar >>>>

Cheers, Siph

7 Oct 2024

Dreadtober 2024 - Cerastus Knight Lancer - Rites of Construction

Hello Dreadtober-teers, a good week of building and clean up and even some base work too, as I needed it for posing the legs. I have even included a tacticool rock! 
The pose will be a braced stance with shield up and lance thrust forward. The above image shows the main pose. Onward to the Rites of Colour!
Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, starting 1st Oct and completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) and I like to partake in Dreadtober, and have done for a few years, check out the link in the sidebar >>>>

Cheers, Siph

4 Oct 2024

WeeMen at the London Grand Tournament Titan Walk

Titan Owners Club UK held a demonstration game at the London Grand Tournament, held at Lea Valley Athletics Centre, north London, last weekend. Myself (Siph) and a few other UK Princeps had the opportunity to bring their Titans to pitch battle ahead of the Titan Owners Club UK Main Walk in two week's time. It was a great weekend of gaming and victory to the Loyalists on Day 1 and Day 2 - using the Adeptus Titanicus (scaled up to AT28mm) ruleset and objectives (hidden). Here are some pictures - 
Traitor Engines line up with Xenos allies - TOC Member Richard A's Legio Mortis Engines
TOC Member Laura A's Legio Tempestus traitor heavy engines form the centre of the traitor force
On the left traitor flank traitor (for the weekend) TOC Member James C's Legio Astraman
The Loyalist lines, left flank TOC Member Rob W's Legio Solaria
And TOC Member's Aaron P. and TOC Admin Lee M's Legio Astorum and Ignatum
The centre left held by my own Legio Astorum
And the loyalist left flank anchored by TOC Admin Engine Phil's Legio Metalica
Warhounds from Legio Astorum stalk the ruins
Supported by Legio Metalica Warhounds making good use of the terrain
Here comes the Audax pain-train Full Stride and Power to Locomotives straight toward the larger guns of the Astorum Engines - will they get their giant killer prize
Battle plans changed, the Audax outflanked by Astorum, outflanked by traitor-Astraman, outflanked by Metalica! Much hilarity!
Day two saw traitor Legio Astraman facing loyalist Legio Astorum
A massive crane started its life as a toy crane
A gorgeous centre piece painted by Eyecron74 (IG).

Thanks to all attending, I had a blast, Cheers, Siph

2 Oct 2024

Dreadtober 2024 Commences - WeeMen Participating for the 8th Year

Hello Dreadtober-teers! My favourite hobby event of the calendar year is back again for another instalment. This year is yet again being run by Marc (Old School Gaming) so a massive thanks to him for keeping the hobby event alive for another year! And thanks to the founder Greggles, and Joe B and Todd (Sincain40K) and Joel (Mordian7th) for their contributions through the years too.

Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, starting 1st Oct and hopefully completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) and I like to partake in Dreadtober, and have done for a few years, you can see the fruits of this labour in the picture below, a veteran of 8yrs with a sum of six Dreads, one Imperial Knight and a Necron Construct!

Work took me away in 2023 but in the preceeding months I completed a number of Dreadnoughts in honour of Dreadtober, so they could be schedule posted alongside the participants efforts, I may have been absent but was still there in spirit. These Redemptor's were featured along with another Imperial Knight and a Castraferrum Dreadnought too!

So that brings me to this year's pledge: Another Imperial Knight, but this time a little bigger, a Forge World resin Cerastus Knight Lancer! Long overdue - they make these in plastic and I have two more to make a Knight Banner of three, but for Dreadtober the long overdue resin one will be my test piece.

(GW Plastic one looking mean)

Box o'resin joy!

I look forward to participating and getting this overdue project smashed. I look forward to seeing the other participants projects progress and off the to-do pile! Check out or even join in the sidebar Dreadtober >>>>>>

Cheers, Siph

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