10 Mar 2025

Mechanicum - Thallax Cohort #2 w/ Multi-Melta

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. The latest additions to the Mechanicum Taghmata is a squad of Thallax, a Thallax Cohort. These can be in squads of three or up to nine. They are armed with Lightning Guns which are heavy 3 Shred and two modes Arc and Strike (single shot mode but additional +3 strength and Rending) and one has a tank-busting Multi-Melta.
These are the plastic boxset, very highly detailed and more fiddly than the resin counterparts but equally as detailed which is great. This one has a Multi-Melta for some deep-strike tank-busting action.
And the last two have the standard armament of Lightning Guns.

Cheers, Siph (6pts)

3 Mar 2025

Imperial Knights - Acastus Knight Porphyrion Proxy

Hello All, and budding Knight Scions, a huge addition to the Imperial Knight forces, though numerous and aligned to Legio Astorum Titan Legio, they lack serious titan-killer firepower themselves, enter the affectionately named "Murder Turtle"... a somewhat overpowered Acastus Knight Porphyrion (at least in AT28mm where most of the titan action occurs). This will also be an allied Household to the Vassal Knights of Legio Astorum, but this time (mainly for re-sale opportunity) House Terryn.
Lots to do so I started on a few of the smaller bits and pieces first, cables...
I then progressed to the armour plates and legs section - once these were done, I fastened the Armour Plates to the endo-skeleton leg structure. Lots of trim! I will try to reflect what colours I use on my Knight Banner as to where I place red panels, personal heraldry etc. As this is a cheaper 3rd party print, I will not be using at Titan Owners Club Walk events as we try to support FW whenever possible and  Forge World models if they exist to support and hopefully stimulate titan development (Reaver still only has Apoc Launcher for carapace and it's long over a decade old, but Warmaster in 28mm will be gladly received if planned?!).
Getting there, legs now done.
So I will paint it up and sell to fund the purchase of an official Forge World Acastus Knight Porphyrion in due course, I have an Acastus Knight Asterius in the to-do pile. Painting as Terryn Household is quite easy for me, as they have the exact scheme of my Legio Astorum, gold and blue, just the creams on heraldic plates rather than yellows as seen on the Shoulder Plate above. In the meantime, I can game with it because House Terryn are an allied House to my Vassal Knights of Legio Astorum.
I've also purchased a couple of suitable sized oval bases to provide stability and match the Knight and Titan forces which are all based for my future resin Acastus Knights. More progress to be had and I'll report back here with photos!

Cheers, Siph.
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