11 Feb 2019

Squaduary 2019 - Vanguard Skitarii - Progress Week 2

Hi all Squaduary-teers and readers various, thanks for dropping by. This is where I am after two weeks of Squaduary, progressing well, smashed out the two remaining Plasma Caliver Vanguard Skitarii, they all match pretty much so I am quite pleased (the original one from two years ago is the one on the right).
Check out the updates and other hobbyists progress over at Stepping Between Games.  Thanks Rory for providing this encouragement event - its spurred me on if no-one else!
As for the rest of the Squaduary pledge, the torso and coats and legs are all finished, just backpacks, arms and weapons and heads left to do. I started on one of the Radium Carbines to test the proposed scheme and it worked fine, so that was quick and relatively easy to do from the Leadbelcher undercoat so all is good!
And the arms and heads as is... will have these cracked out this week then it is just backpacks, sealing and 'Ardcoating the lenses - I think I am on target to finish early which amazes me, but these are really enjoyable to paint - good really as I have another ten from Forgebane lurking in the to-do pile!

Good luck all other Squaduary participants, still plenty of time to get the Squads done. 

Cheers, Siph.


  1. Well done they look great.

  2. Ya know, every time I see well painted examples of these models (such as yours above) I always find my self chanting: must not buy these minis, must not but these minis, must not...

    1. Haha, if only I had that inner monologue... but go on, buy these - great fun kit, really enjoyed these, and the Rangers for 30in shooting, Vanguard for 18in multiple shooting... found(?) another twenty so I might make some more...

  3. Excellent color scheme and great execution. Those look fantastic!

  4. Nice work Siph! Makes me want to change my Mechanicus colour scheme!

    1. Thanks Ed, but no-way - yours are awesome green and purple/pink blades very striking!

  5. Those enourmous holes just cry out for those pumpkin heads.

  6. Love the bright colour scheme on the heads. You are flying along.

  7. Brilliant!
    I really like your choice of colours, they have a very regal look to them that gives them an honour guard feel.
    Great work chap!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)