13 Feb 2019

Necron Dynasty - Necron Warriors - 50-55

Hi all, another five Warriors done, amassing a large phalanx of troops for my Overlord. Just need to pick up another five to round these off to 3x20 blobs. A simple recipe of Army Painter Plate Metal, washed Agrax and Nuln Oil. Chainmail highlights, then the red gauss energy and copper capacitor coils.
No golds or blue for these lowly warriors, I reserve that for the higher ranking troops and HQ.

Well, thats all folks, a simple squad - five more off the to-do pile. Thanks for droping in.

Cheers, Siph (5 points)


  1. Nice work man! Amassing quite the horde of robots and I can't wait to see the final group shot. I need to re-visit my little dynasty this year and start filling out their ranks as well.

    1. I'm getting the force out of the display cabinet for a spring clean soon, so I'll make sure I post an Army Photo :) Thanks mate.

  2. It's amazing how you can accumulate armies on the quiet with little projects like this, and a simple scheme! Excellent work my friend!

    1. Cheers Nick, yes quietly awakening from their slumber... I'll show a post soon on how far the force has grown since the last photoshoot in Feb 2015! Its quite a lot bigger lol

  3. I assume that you've a monolith floating around to teleport the little blighters

  4. Great work, lovely to see them coming along.

  5. Batch painting, the best way to slog thru the warrior horde! Looking good sir, looking good!

  6. Nice set of warriors. That orange/red look is so interesting in contrast to the codex green. I love it!

  7. @ Phil, thanks mate. No monolith yet, but a Ghost Ark and plenty of Night Scythes. The Monolith has got better this Edition, my old kit went to 'terrain'...
    @ St Andrews, cheers Mike. Will post an Army Shot soon.
    @ Da Masta Cheef, yes indeed! 5 is very manageable, 10 at a push. I am enjoying my Squaduary pledge of 10 Vanguard at the mo.
    @ DAM, cheers. It took ages to pin down a schem I liked, was Blue/Icy Blue at first, but the Orange/Red looks great against the metals and the dark Necron Abyss Blue armour of higher troops/Characters and Vehicles so the whole force isn't a boring metal/green scheme like 90% Necrons shown.

  8. Coming along nicely there, one batch at a time.

    1. Cheers Rory, yes... soon they will be LEGION...


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)