31 Dec 2018

Terrain and Scenery - DIY Fuel Storage Tanks from CDROM Tower

Hi All, if you need some LOS blocking terrain and that is cheap, easy to do and blocks even Imperial Knights, then check your workplace or school for the leftover packaging from blank CD-ROM disks. They come with a central spine which you might be able to use too.
I used the transfers from the Imperial Guard Tank decals, and a bit of 3mm Hardboard / Fiberboard to base it - you'll need to base it otherwise it will flex and the paint will fall off. Firstly roughen the surface with fine sandpaper so the paint will adhere. I sprayed with chaos black on the inside as they are see-through, and then the outside with car spray (VW Tornado Red) makes a good Khorne Red. I attached the container using epoxy resin. I added a drop of waterd down old Citadel Chestnut Ink as grime streaks, Agrax will do fine.
The only piece I used from my bits box was an old SM Vehicle hatch on top, and the next WIP tanks have an additional spare ladder from the new terrain kits (an off cut from a Titan Weapon conversion). Here you can see the hardboard / fiberboard.
You can embellish the base however you like, an earlier set I did HERE in 20102, I used barrels and sprue offcuts and Rhno doors for a barricade, and some plastic plumbing bends for pipework.
Size wise it is perfect to hide Imperial Knights. And this cost pennies, the car spray being the only purchase if you haven't any suitable sprays - but that I had from the previous tanks in 2012, still fine.

Hopefully this gives someone an idea and helps them out, for me, its more easy terrain.

Have a great New Hobby Year!

HAPPY 019 M3 !!

Cheers, thanks for dropping in. Siph. (Terrain = 5 painting points)


  1. A great idea, well done. Happy 2019 to you....

  2. That looks really well and I want more pictures of that knight please.

    1. https://weemen.blogspot.com/2018/07/imperial-knights-consorts-of-legio.html Rory, already posted that one ;) Not my pose, but great eBay repaint.

  3. Love this. Stealing this :)

  4. So simple and yet, so perfect!

  5. I think they could do with a little more grime, perhaps.

    1. Yeah I might do some sponge weathering and a bit of Dark Tone Army Painter dip

  6. They do make awesome terrain.

    I built some of these for a local games club a few years back, had a couple in my own terrain collection too. Unfortunately they were destroyed during a house move and I didn't get around to replacing them.

    I may have to build some more sometime.

  7. Good use of stuff that'd otherwise end up in landfill.

  8. The best kind of terrain is always re-purposed.
    Great work!

  9. Terrain is everything! Sometimes the simplest solutions can be the best and unlike a Pringles tower its slightly less recognisable as a CD tower, less iconic and therefore just the spray paint renders it a terrain piece.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)