28 Dec 2018

Legio Crucius - Warhound Titan - WIP #4 - Further Progress

Hi All,

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!

Blackstrider, the Warhound of Legio Crucius is up, and virtually done, all remaining is 2 drybushs over the gold edges, and a few details/tidy up on the armour panels to have the model finished. I also will probably add a white portion on to the right side of the carapace to add the legio symbol onto.
The Warhound will need the magnets adding to the shoulder caps to fit on to the converted shoulders. The wargear had to be 2x Twin Turbo Lasers..
I will be doing a bulk weathering over the warhound, along with the Reaver and other warhound so that there is uniformity of the weathering across the 3.
Thanks for looking! Cheers DH


  1. Very cool. Nice looking engine and a sweet collection of titans!

  2. Great looking Maniple of loyal Crucius God Engines! Much needed reinforcements for the June U.K. TOC Walk.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)