10 Feb 2025

WeeMen at the Beachhead 2025 Titan Walk in Bournemouth

Hello all,
Titan Owners Club were invited to Beachhead 2025 for the 4th year running and gladly put on a demonstration game where we conduct a Titan Walk and interact with the public answering any questions they have about Titan ownership and making and painting and playing.
A selection of the Princeps playing this weekend

Titan line-up
Legio Astorum
Legio Astraman
A Psi Titan and Legio Crucius
Legio Astorum
Aeldari Titans
Another Psi Titan
Legio Ignatum
Legio Vulcanum
Legio Mortis
Legio Solaria
Legio Vulturum
Day 1 - Battle Photos

Day 2 - Battle photos
This Knight Lancer felled a Reaver Titan!
The Knight Cerastus Lancers form a vanguard to protect the God Engines
Another fabulous weekend of good gaming, great company and meals out. Lord H and myself both had an excellent weekend. I got another 7 titan kills for my Legio tally, a fair harvest.

Cheers, Siph

1 comment:

  1. This looks awesome, hope you had a lot of fun and many engine kill honours were achieved!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)