17 Feb 2025

Mechanicum - Ursarax Tech Thralls #2

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. GW says "Ursarax tech-thralls are formidable, even monstrous, killing engines. Like the Thallaxii from which they were derived, these war-cyborgs are converted from suitable human candidates, their living components retaining a dim, tortured consciousness that provides them with superior tactical abilities and the instincts to kill. Jetting into close combat, the Ursaraxii tear apart steel and flesh alike, seeking the temporary relief of the automated neural anaesthesia that is administered for fulfilling their orders."
This is the second squad of these I have, the first painted in 2017 so these were painted to match, updating the former squad groin, thigh armour plates which I had missed. Plus jump pack vent exhausts and turbine glow.
The nice Volkite Incinerator built in the chest was picked out with a fiery orange glow
These all have Lightning Claws and pair up nicely with the first three armed with Power Fists and a Claw. Six in a squad will be a lot more survivable now and form a nice fast attack choice.
Cheers, Siph (6pts)

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