30 Oct 2022

Dreadtober 2022 - Imperial Knight Canis Rex and Sir Hekhtur the Chainbreaker - COMPLETE

Hello Dreadtober-teers, well I completed this! And a cheeky bonus Character with the Scion Sir Hekhtur the Chainbreaker who rides this steed. It was a good project to get finally completed and off the to-do pile.
Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, starting 1st Oct and completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) and I like to partake in Dreadtober, and have done for a few years. Next week I will put up a photo of all my Dreadtober pledges.
I did the under endo-skeleton in dark greys and blue highlight and the armour panels in Leadbelcher basecoat, with a gold trim. I deviated from the box art on the shins and shoulder pauldrons and the head has a silver panel on the cheek to link into the silver armour more.
Canis Rex is armed with the mighty Thunderstrike Gauntlet called "Freedom's Hand" a relic weapon, and a pintle mounted Multi-Laser.
I was particulary happy with the base, the rocks look realistic, black, drybrushed grey, washed with contrast Shylish Purple and drybrushed Karak Stone and Ushabti Bone.
I added a suitable decal to the rear of the banner and added a spare wolf head motif in the centre. The reactor core gets its brass housing I have on all my other Knights and power cables are characteristically green like across all my imperial forces.
The main ranged firepower comes from a Las Impulsor and a secondary Multi-Laser, I look forward to using the Las-Impulsor to tear heavy armour apart.
The shoulder Pauldron designs, the Aquilla motif to show his allegiance. 
Sir Hekhtur Cerberan pilots the unique Imperial Knight Preceptor "Canis Rex", a Freeblade known as "the Chainbreaker," who was once a scion of House Cerberan, which ruled the Knight World of Randoryn Alpha. After his homeworld and house fell to conquest by the Heretic Astartes of the Iron Warriors Traitor Legion, Sir Hekhtur prayed to the Emperor for a miracle while the Chaos Space Marines tortured him.
His prayers were answered when his Knight Preceptor's Machine Spirit activated his war machine on its own and aided him in his escape. Now Sir Hekhtur and Canis Rex travel the galaxy, seeking to free all those in the Imperium who have been oppressed by Chaos and more mundane tyrants alike.
Sir Hekhtur is armed with a Archeotech Pistol, to represent that I used a Heresy-era Plasma Pistol.

Cheers, and great work to all the Dreadtober-teers this year, thanks for the inspiration and the Dreads! And not forgetting it was run by Marc (Old School Gaming) so a massive thanks to him for keeping the hobby event alive for another year! And thanks to the founder Greggles, and Joe B and Todd (Sincain40K) and Joel (Mordian7th) for their contributions through the years too. See you next year Dreadtober-teers and next week for a recap of now Seven years Dreadtober!

Cheers, Siph (30pts - Imp Knight and Character)

28 Oct 2022

Emperor of Mankind! Complete!

 Hello one and all!

This weeks offering is the big Daddy E! the Emperor of Mankind! this was a purcahse from a well known auction site, with the additon of a FW base from the Gabriel Angelos model.

I've painted the model with various tones of gold, with highlights to add depth to the model. The Emperors flame sword was painted in a 'firy' manner to contrast with the cool blue of his left, clawed hand. The sword has a black tone in the middle which then radiates out to reds and yellows, with the Emperors claw being a deep blue highlighted up to pure white. 



Really happy with the results, the model fits in well with both the Guilliman model and Magnus.. 

Thanks for swinging by! LH (10pts)

23 Oct 2022

Dreadtober 2022 - End of Week 3 - Imperial Knight Preceptor Canis Rex

Hello Dreadtober-teers, I managed to get some decent progress with the Imperial Knight Preceptor Canis Rex. The armour plates are mostly done now and the shoulder pauldrons are completed with decals. Just the arms and a banner left for the final week.
Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, starting 1st Oct and hopefully completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) and I like to partake in Dreadtober, and have done for a few years.
The right shoulder pauldron followed the box art, broken chains to signify the "Chainbreaker", Canis Rex's nickname. These come on the enclosed decal sheet in the Preceptor box. These are just dry-fitted in place, I'll finish and attach the arms before gluing down.
The left Pauldron I chose to differ from the repeat of the first which is shown on the box art, and used an Imperial Aquila over laid with a broken chain, signifying that no chain or yoke will hold back the Imperial Truth! I rather like this effect and it freed up two lengths of chain decal I can use elsewhere on the miniature.
I added a White Wolf decal to the Scion's hatch and more of the spare chain links which look great. The decal sheet comes with the Canis Rex script already for the scrolls and parchments which is a nice touch.
Rather than follow the box art I added some of the spare chain links to the leg greaves and to mirror my other 17 Knights, red inner panels with Imperial Aquila. The chain links for the "Chainbreaker" look rather good.
Just the Thunderstrike Gauntlet and the Las-Impulsor to complete, and the heraldic banner for the legs.

Carry on all Dreadtober-teers, still time to get those projects completed! Cheers, Siph.

21 Oct 2022

Deathwatch Characters - Done!

 Another week, another group of characters to add to my growing Deathwatch force,

This time we have a Captain, from the Blood Angels, a Chaplain from the Angels Vermillion, and a Lieutenant from the Blood Swords Chapters.


The Lieutentant was build using a combination of parts from the sternguard kit. The model was painted as per my other Deathwatch, with the details picked out. I opted for this marine to be a Lieutenant simly down to having a good mix of wargear to be good equally at the front of the line, or directing from the rear, with supporting fire.


I used the plastic Chaplain which I purchased some time ago. The helmet was used so that the bare head could be used on another model.Really happy with the skull helm, and tones from the blue glowing eyes.


SMASH! finally, the Blood Angels Captian, using the jump pack Chaplain as a base, I converted the right arm to have a Thunder, and the left arm was swapped to have him holding a storm shield. The Thunder hammer was painted in a 'buring elements' style, from red up to a yellow highlight. happy with the results! The details over the armour were picked out in Purple to appear different to the other jump pack chaplain model. 

Boom - 3 done! onto the next :) LH (30pts)

16 Oct 2022

Dreadtober 2022 - End of week 2 - Imperial Knight Endoskeleton Complete

Hello Dreadtober-teers, I managed to get some decent progress with the Imperial Knight Preceptor Canis Rex. The endo-skeleton is finished, base is done and ready for arming with weapon arms and armour plates.
Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, starting 1st Oct and hopefully completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) and I like to partake in Dreadtober, and have done for a few years.
The rear of the Imperial Knight has my characteristic brass reactor housing, and a few integral armour plates finished on the superstructure itself. The base slate is all resin, I drybrushed the black rocks with Dawnstone Grey and washed with contrast Shyish Purple, then drybrushed with the two browns that highlight the Mournfang Brown base - Karak Stone and Ushabti Bone (I used Two Thin Coats Ivory).
The armour has been undercoated ready for washes, highlights and details. Lots of bits to do.

Best of luck and progress to the other Dreadtober-teers, Cheers, Siph

14 Oct 2022

Deathwatch Marine - Complete!

 Hello one and all!

I am sorry for the delay in posting this, I had planned to do this last week - but a bust clutch saw me stuck away for a few days with work..

Up this week is a couple of Deathwatch squads that I've been working on - this will annoy Siph as I'm posting this as one post, not 3!

Deathwatch Veterans

This 5 man squad is designed with storm shields, and a combination of bolters and combi weapons. I've used a selection of sternguard and forgeworld parts to make the unit stand out. These were painted in the same style as my Deathwatch, with details picked out.

10 man squad

This 10 man squad is designed to be a hard hitting force, utilising missile launchers, and terminators with launchers to maximise the number of high strength fire whcih can be used to combat tanks/engines wtc. The squad also has 2 armed with long range bolters to add further hitting power. The sergeant is armed with a stormshield to act as the 'shield' for any imcoming fire. I have also modeled the sigmum from the Dev SM kit to make him stand out.

5 Terminators

This 5 man squad has been designed to hit up close and personal, with 2 thunderhammers and Storm shields, and 3 Assault Cannons! These could either be utilised to deep strike to claim objs, or to be deployed at the start of the battle with a view of moving forward, laying waste to all! 

I've opted to not have any squad makers on these, as I have for the others to allow me to swap out the units, and move them, around into the various Deathwatch Kill Teams.LH (28pts)