16 Oct 2022

Dreadtober 2022 - End of week 2 - Imperial Knight Endoskeleton Complete

Hello Dreadtober-teers, I managed to get some decent progress with the Imperial Knight Preceptor Canis Rex. The endo-skeleton is finished, base is done and ready for arming with weapon arms and armour plates.
Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, starting 1st Oct and hopefully completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) and I like to partake in Dreadtober, and have done for a few years.
The rear of the Imperial Knight has my characteristic brass reactor housing, and a few integral armour plates finished on the superstructure itself. The base slate is all resin, I drybrushed the black rocks with Dawnstone Grey and washed with contrast Shyish Purple, then drybrushed with the two browns that highlight the Mournfang Brown base - Karak Stone and Ushabti Bone (I used Two Thin Coats Ivory).
The armour has been undercoated ready for washes, highlights and details. Lots of bits to do.

Best of luck and progress to the other Dreadtober-teers, Cheers, Siph


  1. Rex is coming along great.
    I particularly like the base and had never thought about using Shyish Purple over a darker grey for rocks, something I'll have to try in the future.

    Good luck with finishing for the deadline.

  2. Looks like really good progress! With the base done like this, it looks like the knight is coming toghether, even if there is still work to do on the armour panels and weapons.

  3. He's mighty and so clean. I'd have had about 20 steps to get to this and it would take me about 3 months! Keep working!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)