2 Aug 2019

Legio Crucius Warlord Titan - Internal Smoke Machine

Hello one and all!

I thought I'd share how I've added the smoke machines to my Legio Crucius Warlord, 'Hell's Daughter' to add to the LED's i've already installed to the model.
The smoke units were purchased from a well known auction site, having viewed the unit at a local model train shop. I opted for this particular unit as it was a 10mm diameter with a funnelled end. I drilled a 10mm hole into the top panel to allow the unit to sit snuggly. The wires were positioned into the torso and connected up to two separate 6V units to power them. This is adding a lot of additional weight to the model as there are 8 AA batteries thus I will only have these added when using the smoke units. Holes were also added to the vents to allow the smoke to vent.
The unit inside the torso.
The cabling of the units
The smoke units are filled with a solution to produce the smoke, this is added via a syringe.
I am really happy with the results, there was a question about whether a plasma reactor would smoke - my thoughts, why would you have a vent, if there was no smoke!

The plan will be to block the vent piece up so that the smoke can only escape via the holes in the vent which should mean more smoke.

Cheers, LH


  1. The vents are for the heat exchangers, to bleed reactor heat away from the Titan to prevent a 'Drake Seta'... haha. At least that's what I think they are for, but smoke stacks is cool too - if it's smoking that could be an indication of internal damage or dirt build up which is entirely plausible too.

    1. I agree, the vents are mostly for the heat exchange, but if the humidity in the air is right, fog will form in the heat exchanger and will be seen as white smoke, i.e what is seen at nuclear power plants... any way, it looks really cool.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)