5 Aug 2019

Terrain and Scenery - Ryza Ruins from Kill Team Set

Hi All, another set of terrain finished, a quick and effective job. The set was from a Kill Team set I picked up to get the Adeptus Mechanicus Techpriest Manipulus and another squad of Sicaran Ruststalkers / Infiltrators I will paint up as Infiltrators.
I mounted these ruins on a 3mm Hardboard (Fiberboard) so the job of sorting out what area terrain boundary easier. I added modelling sand and a few tufts. The central subterranean hatchway comes with the set too.
I painted the outside with Stormvermin Grey and the insode with Zandri Dust spray, both washed with Agrax Earthshade and drybrushed with Ushabti Bone.
I picked out the details with Warplock Bronze and Leadblecher nuts and bolts and pipes, a few vents and electrical cables were picked out with green.
I like the difference between the outer walls and the inner lighter coloured walls. The importance with terrain is not to overshadow the miniatures themselves but to amplify the enjoyment when those miniatures battle over gorgeous battlefields. So, terrain is detailed to an extent, but should be quick and easy to paint.
I like the hatch, it leads to questions about what these simple ruins held, or what is below? A vast network? A Command Bunker? The red indication light a dull colour - has it lost power?
So, there you have it. A nicely put together kit, a quick and effective paint job and a muted scheme to match my battlefield. Thanks for checking it out.

Cheers, Siph. (5 points)


  1. I like this model, very well painted.

  2. Dude, that looks fantastic!!!

  3. Very cool looking terrain piece! I've got a bunch of ruins to paint up for my new desert board, so will be looking to steal your recipe!

  4. Good stuff, that! I've been tempted by the set a few times, it's simple, cheap (for GW) and good looking.

    Like me.

  5. Looking good! The two-tone look works really well on the Ryza-Pattern stuff. I'm still mad I missed the boat on the Sector Fronteris KZ box, since the sprue for the intact buildings haven't been released anywhere since then.

  6. Whenever I see good looking terrain, like this, it reminds me I really need to invest some time in it.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)