27 Jan 2025

Relictors Space Marine Chapter - Castraferrum Venerable Dreadnought #14

Thanks for dropping by. This week's addition, another Castraferrum Dreadnought is added to the Relictors Battle Companies, this one is another metal old-school Venerable Dreadnought armed with Plasma Cannon and Dreadnought CCW with Heavy Flamer. My mate Goddenzilla who I purchased it from had converted the front glacis plate to make different from the stock model.
This was supplied with Aegis Defence Line Quad Autocannons but I have two Riflemen Dreads already so befitting of a Venerable Dreadnought I purchased a spare arm and used some bits from the bits box to make a suitable Heavy Flamer and Dreadnought CCW, fingers from a Brutalis Dreadnought, Heavy Flamer from the chest of a Leviathan Dreadnought.
This is now the 14th of many Dreadnought reinforcements I bought from Goddenzilla at Kaiju Country blog. Still 5 more to go, this was the additional Venerable Dreadnought Goddenzilla 'found' in the cupboard. Eventually as they are all updated, they will join my extensive Battle Companies.
Here is the Plasma Cannon spare from the plastic Venerable kit. Now with a suitable chassis.
And the two metal Dreadnoughts side by side, subtle conversions and arm swaps and metallics mean both look the business but not the same.

Cheers, Siph (5pts)

20 Jan 2025

Mechanicum - Mrymidon Destructors w/ Irradiation Engines

Hello Tech Adepts, thanks for dropping by. The latest addition to the Mechanicum Taghmata is a squad of Mrymidon Destructors, the heavy infantry, each a Tech Magos fully adapted for war.
The Myrmidon Destructors are priests of the Mechanicum who specialise in the art of destruction with ranged weaponry and the embodiment of this within their own vastly augmented bodies.
These are all armed with Irradiation Engines, a 'torrent' flamer template radiation weapon which auto hits and wounds on 2+, and reduces target toughness by 1 due to the heavy doses of radiation. 

These again were re-painted from Malinax Forge World force I bought from a mate, and re-branded Mars loyalist Mechanicum!

These are akin to the Mechanicum version of Terminators, strong armour, fairly slow and dish out short range punishment. I think i'll either need more or a transport for them. Just so happens I have a Macrocarid Explorator somewhere in the to-do pile...

Cheers, Siph (6pts)

17 Jan 2025

Legio Crucius - Warhound Titan 'Blood of Caldos' - Done!

Hello one and all! Lets start the year off with a bang! a completed Forge World Warhound Titan!
Blood of Caldos is an official Forge World Titan but armed with 3D printed Ursus Claw and Melta lance, which I printed. The model was painted as per the Legio Crucius scheme, with a combination of metallic black, and white with a few nods of red. The kit has also had LED's added to the head with the battery pack built into the torso.
The legs/torso are connected with magnets for transport, and the arms have got a nut/screw mechanism to allow the weapons to be switched.

Thanks for looking! LH (50pts)

13 Jan 2025

Mechanicum - Vultarax Stratos Automata

Welcome Engineseers and Readers All, thanks for dropping by. The newest addition to my growing Mechanicum Taghmata 30K forces is a non-plague drone, a Vultarax Stratos Automata. The origins of the Nurgle Plague Drones are clear to see. A marvelous reverse engineering by the Forge World designers to give us the original non-corrupt drone.
The most common form of stratos-automata in widespread use by the Mechanicum Taghmata, the Vultarax is a robust, multi-role war engine drawn from ancient pre-Imperial STC designs. Heavily armed, fitted with sophisticated sensory gear, and able to operate in diverse and hostile environments, it serves as a keystone of Explorator expeditionary forces – both as an armed, high-mobility scout, and as a rapid response unit in open battle.
This was bought second hand from a Titan Owners Club mate Luke who had an extensive Malinax Mechanicum force which I am slowly re-dedicating back to the Golden Throne and true Omnissiah! But I felt the original creams of the scheme could be preserved in an insect like striped pattern. 
I added a few details and recoloured some lenses and cables to suit my own forces but the heavy work had been done by Luke.
I also weathered the decals I added to match somewhat the worn and dirty panels of cream. I think the reds were later applied or fare better in the weather of whichever planet these operate on, hence the less weathered reds.
So insect like, so Plague drone-y...
Thanks for dropping in. A nice addition to the Mechanicum Taghmata.

Cheers, Siph (5pts)

6 Jan 2025

Mechanicum - Thanatar Cavas Siege-Automata

Happy New Year!

Hello Tech-Adepts, welcome back. This week I have another Mechanicum offering for 30K, which I must get around to play at some point. This was repainted from a Moriax scheme but I preserved the chequered shoulderpad as it looked great and I like to preserve something from the previous owner's hard work.
I added and weathered a decal to the chequers to match the previous two Thanatar Mechanicum symbol placement.  The lovely shoulder mounted Plasma-Mortar was already painted so that stayed too, as it matched the previous two. Thanatar Cavas are also armed with twin Mauler Bolt Cannons too.
I satin varnished the Automaton, giving a slight sheen which suits the big robots quite well, so I went back and repainted the previous two Thanatar torso's red and also Satin varnished them too.
The fearsome Hellex Plasma-Mortar. Big Boom.
Awesome fire support Automaton big robots of doom for the slowly growing Taghmata Omnissiah, first ones purchased in 2015, a decade ago...

Cheers, Siph (5pts)