5 Jul 2024

Col. Schaeffer‘s Last Chancers and Gaunt’s Ghosts

Hello one and all!

This week’s offerings are further Imperial Guard reinforcements for my Vostroyan Firstborn Army. These were painted by a friend as a commission project, I've made a few changes, and the bases done to link the forces.

Last Chancers

Colonel Schaeffer and his crew of 'criminals' ready for action, these were all painted in a similar style for Urban combat, I've printed the bases for these units, same as the First Born units to all match.

These could be used a kill team force, or as a uber unit in 40k using their previous rules/wargear.

Gaunt’s Ghosts

These are the original - metal version, again painted in an Urban style, again with the same resin bases.

Really love these models, and really happy to have them complete and ready for battle! LH (10pts)


  1. Always love to see these guys!

    I am surprised that GW has not redone them in plastic (yet!)

  2. Excellent ! I love the ol'skool 'guard.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)