15 Jul 2024

Legio Astorum Warhound Titan "Canis Sirius" - WIP #1 - Retouching

Hello Titan fans, yes another Titan going to join The Emperor's Halo Maniple. One of the Titan Owners Club members and friend Aaron P. was selling one of his hounds so naturally I was interested. Most of the work is done for me, the same blue (Kantor Blue) has been used and I have seen the titan in 'person' several times so I know its a good one. (Seen above at Warhammerfest 2023).
Aaron did not have the vent assembly in the carapace as he used LEDs for a glowing titan torso, however I prefer gubbins and machinery so I made a replacement using a Rhino APC front plate, some Ad Mech gubbins, back of a Cerastus Command Throne and a couple of Predator turret rings. This is inside and on the deckhead above the interior of the torso.
My handywork viewed from outside, quite pleased with that.
The carapace itself has been refreshed, trim re-done and washed Reikland to match my other titans. Here I used the Paint Pen again to good effect. Love the ease which I can make great designs. Finished off with an Astorum decal (gloss layer shown as hasn't had final lacquer applied yet).
I applied a large Astorum decal on the other side, this matches my previous Warhounds.
I added the titan certificate number to the leg.
Inside the cockpit, I added some detailing with lenses and view screens.
Outside the head, Aaron had used a dull yellow which was quite dark, so here you can see the respray Demonic Yellow base coat I use for my Titans. 
The base had quite a lot of flora added so to match my own forces bases I removed the larger patches and replaced them with slate chips. Other patches where removed were glued/sanded and will be painted later.
Repeated on the rear side of the base. I will also pin the titan to the base from the underside, and pin the knee joints and sections of legs for added strength. I'll also paint the toes and do the missing trim parts.

It shouldn't take too long at all to get this Warhound back on the frontline. Thanks to Aaron for the opportunity to add one of his 'Hounds to my own forces.

Cheers, Princeps Seniores Siph.


  1. Love the added 'gubbins'! Great idea and fine execution.

  2. Very nice, I do like the homogenity your collection has. My Warp Runners will honk their hooters in welcome for the new pack member.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)