24 Jun 2024

Necron Dynasty - Orikan the Diviner

"Time is a weapon like any other. If nothing else, I can simply wait for my foes to rot!"
— Orikan the Diviner
Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. The latest character to be added to my Unnamed Necron Dynasty is Orikan the Diviner, a powerful Cryptek Chronomancer who has a masterful insight into time itself.
Orikan the Diviner, is one of the most powerful of the Necron Crypteks, and is a potent chronomancer. Millions of Terran years ago, he was the astromancer of the Necrontyr empire's ruling Triarch, and one of the Silent King Szarekh's most trusted counsellors.
Orikan was the only one to then oppose the proposal of the C'tan Mephet'ran the Deceiver to grant the Necrontyr immortality through the process of biotransference, as he foresaw it would end in disaster, but his lone voice of dissent was ignored by the Triarch. Driven by loyalty to his race, Orikan submitted to the process and became one of the undying Necrons, forever undying and soulless in an android body of living metal.
Despite the loss of his soul, the biotransference procedure had an unexpected bonus for Orikan, as his already considerable powers have only expanded after he was freed from the limitations of fallible flesh. In the 41st Millenium, Orikan's mastery over the flow of time is such that he can actually "walk back" into the past in a limited manner, just enough to ensure his predictions never go awry.

Cheers, Overlord Siph (10pts)

21 Jun 2024

Vostroyan Firstborn - lots of them!! Done Pic heavy

Hello one and all,

This weeks offering is a big one, lots and lots of Vostroyan Firstborns. I could post these separately, however, I've got my next few posts ready for review.

These were bought ages ago, with the force topped up with the made to order. I had them painted by a friend, then then finished them off with making sure the red colour was the same and some small details. I also 3d printed, and painted resin bases for them.

Dead Vostroyan Firstborn

Platoon 1

Heavy Weapons Platoon

Heavy Platoon Command

Sniper Special Weapons Squad

Flamer Special Weapon Squad

Platoon 2

Platoon 3

Platoon 4

Overal Command Squad

Displayed in their new spot!

Over 150 Imperial Guard Vostroyan Firtborn in one post, madness! (75pts)

17 Jun 2024

Relictors Space Marine Chapter - Castraferrum Dreadnought #9

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. I am scheduling these posts again as I am overseas. This is the ninth of many Dreadnought reinforcements I bought from Goddenzilla at Kaiju Country blog. A Castraferrum Dreadnought (original metal one) armed with Assault Cannon and Storm Bolter CCW Fist.
The scheme from Goddenzilla has again been adapted to my own, the golds repainted, overall brightened up, and some optics re-coloured. The greys lightened to match my own forces (Dawnstone/washed Nuln Oil). This one is also joining my 4th Company as the 5th have plenty! 
I've added the Fallout Hobbies Relictor 'side skulls' decals again, starting as I mean to go on refreshing the decals on the entire force eventually... 
The original metal smoke launchers were so much more substantial than the plastic replacements from the vehicle frame. I like the skull and lightning flash detail on the Assault Cannon arm, I'd never noticed that before. I hope Assault Cannons get improved as currently at the time of writing (10th Edn.) they are lacklustre and are AP-, worse than a Bolt Rifle for penetration, yet are meant to be like a 20th Century MK4 Mini-Gun.
And the original from Goddenzilla

Cheers, Siph (5pts)