25 Dec 2023

Merry Christmas All - from WeeMen

Merry Christmas All
from Lord TITANium Halfpenny and Siph_Horridus

And a great hobby filled New Year!

22 Dec 2023

Deathwatch Infiltrators and Incursors - DONE!

 Hello one and all,

Another week - another offering of Deathwatch goodies!

This week is a 10 man, Infiltrator/Incursor squad, designed to work with my othe Phobos armoured marines in a 'Tau' inspired Camo scheme.


I like the idea of the Deathwatch force utilising all tools they can get their hands on- in this case a Mech has located details for how to 'cloak' armour, those the scheme is phasing into a camo style, however I wanted it to look more cloaked , than camo thus the armour colour is dictated by what the boots are touching - if they are on a tactical rock, the boots and lower legs a grey into browns, if the boot is on the ground, the scheme will match. The phasing is done with dark to light blues, washed with a blue, then a white line for the top of the phase. 

I really like how these guys look as a group. LH (10pts)

18 Dec 2023

Horus Heresy 30K - Death Guard - Primus Medicae and Death Guard Legion Scheme

Well, well. Yes it's a new army but one I have had for a while in the to-do pile, not jumping in Horus Heresy yet, just fancied a change of colour and watching a few YT videos to find a method and scheme I like. Here is my latest purchase, an eBay job painted as a White Scar Legion however with a change of trim and shoulder pauldron and a test of a YT 'Marine Juice' for weathering I give you a Primus Medicae in Cataphractii Terminator Armour.
So the original model when it was released I thought of one Legion and one only, it screamed Death Guard, its leather apron made the model look to have a distended belly like corrupted Death Guard, I liked it and once I had made my decision to choose a Legion, Death Guard it was - in some small part to this model which was then OOP... so I hunted for a fair priced one on eBay and the above was a good (enough) price and decent paint job. Instead of a strip and re-paint, I opted for a modification and wash.
Metal details were picked out in Decayed Metal - from Scale 75, a totally awesome metal for Death Guard Legion. The blood transfusion bags I opted to keep the turquoise wash the apron was and overpainted the apron with whites and contrast Skeleton Horde. The plain pauldron was a test for the Death Guard scheme, Death Guard Green (obviously), Nurgling Green highlight and edge of Kreig Khaki. 
The base was Stirland Mud with a Baneblade Brown drybrush and a black rim. Different from all of my 40K armies using Calthan Brown/Mournfang Brown base and edges.
The best thing is I really liked the scheme and the sickly green. I will get some test models done for Tactical Marines but before I forget or misplace the recipe I will be using:

Undercoat - Spray Chaos Black
Basecoat - Heavy-ish Zenithal spray Wraithbone
Greens - Death Guard Green, edged Nurgling Green, corner highlights Krieg Khaki
Metals - Leadbelcher, highlight Iron Hands Steel
Weapons - Black then Leadbelcher on metal parts, highlight Iron Hands Steel
Eyes - Blood Angel Contrast
Chipping - Rhinox Hide, White Scar on lower edges of big chips
Trim - Scale 75 Decayed Metal, washed AGrax/Terradon Turquoise 4:1 ratio, Balthasar Gold Highlight
Wash Everything - Marine Juice (Nuln Oil/Reikland Fleshshade/Lahmian Fluid 1:1:1 ratio)
Rust spots - Streaking Grime and Thinners
Base - Stirland Mud base, drybrushed Baneblade Brown, Black rim

Cheers, Siph (10pts)

15 Dec 2023

Deathwatch more additions!

 Hello one and all!

Apologise for the lack of comms - its been a crazy few weeks!

Up this week is 2 new additions to the growing Deathwatch force - maybe not inkeeping with the lore, however I'm going for things I like the look of!

First of all, is a slightly converted Contemptor dreadnought. I've had this guy for a while, and didn't touch due to the lack of the pose - this was the plastic 'custodes' version. I opted to chop the leg a little to give him more of a running pose, which was added by the position of the left fist. Really happy with this one!

Next up is an odd one - I opted for the Khyrabdis Assault Claw drop pod - previosuly this was painted blue, however I liked the idea of the Master of the Watch opening the vaults in a Deathwatch station to access the old tech from days gone bye due to the situation the imperial force finds them in.. the question is would they use the drop pod...



Thanks for looking! LH (25pts)

11 Dec 2023

Legio Astorum - Warlord Titan #4 - Work in Progress - Titan Banner

Hello Titanseers, thanks for dropping by. More progress on the 4th Warlord, okay as this is going to be finished way before number 3... The amazing Drake Seta at Battle Bunnies blog and co-founder of Titan Owners Club designed me another set of banners for Warlord 3 and 4. So, Raptor Astra now has a banner bearing its proud name. The pole was brass rod, the banner is printed on paper and sealed with watered PVA, then a chain was attached to the bar.
The chain is steel so magnetic and attached to the groin of the Warlord using two small magnets. The banner was bent into shape and applied PVA glue to seal in shape like the billowing wind.
Here's the magnets, just 2mm x 2mm is sufficient, and easy to remove the banner during transport.
Here is the banner in place inbetween the legs. A great addition to the Titan. Thanks Drake Seta! The Rites of Colour continue for "Raptor Astra" Warlord Titan no.258.

A useful link to the whole Titan Construction process can be found HERE.

Cheers, Princeps Siph.

4 Dec 2023

Legio Astorum - Warlord Titan #4 - Work in Progress - Weapon Arms

Hello Titanseers and all, welcome and thanks for dropping by. I have been busy updating the excellent paint scheme on my fourth Warlord to better match my own Maniple colours as well as preserve the excellent job Alan G did on his Titan. I hopefully have accomplished that with the update to the blues which have been repainted to match my Astorum Blue (Kantor Blue) and the golds have been warmed up with a stipple of Vallejo Brass (my gold) and a wash of Reikland Fleshshade.

The above image shows from top to bottom: Updated new Belicosa, Warlord 104's Belicosa, Updated Sunfury Plasma Annihilator and my original Sunfury.
The original new scheme, I have just repainted a quarter to match the existing ones on Dominus Victoria and removed a few of the decals as there is a little too many for my taste. Plus the blue overpainting to darken the blue.
More work was applied to the Sunfury, with a quarter scheme to match my own, and an extensive repaint of the details on the metals and the main noticeable change of the Plasma Magnetic Coils to match my blue power coils and the power cables now green, a common theme across my Titans and Knights.

A useful link to the whole Titan Construction process can be found HERE.

And finally, as this was a small update, I thought I would share the edited photo of Reaver Aquila Oculus, made by my mate Lee Marshall, (the Forge of Mars on YT). Thanks Mate!

The Rites of Colour continues, cheers. Princeps Siph