28 Apr 2023

Legio Crucius - Warlord Titan - Belicosa Volcano Cannon - Done!

 Hello one and all!

This week has seen the completion of the additional Warlord Belicosa weapon, ready for the weekend walk... (where could that be... (cough, section 6 at Fest..))

This has been painted akin to the other Warlord weapons, utilsing a metallic black, and white for the colours for Legio Crucius. The weapon end has been finished with different washes to demonstrate the hear effect.

Lets see how many engine kills I'll get over the weekend! LH (10pts)

Here is the family pic before they get packed up  into transport.. 


  1. Mega. In all senses of the word.

  2. Excellent. Hope WHF is a great weekend for you!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)