20 Mar 2023

Legio Astorum Warlord Titan #3 - No.10 - Ex Noctia, COMPLETED

Hello Titanseers, thanks for dropping by! My Titan journey has reached another milestone, the ex-Atarus Warlord No.10 - Ex Noctia (From the Night) has now completed the Rites of Colour and has been re-sanctified for service in Legio Astorum and has been attached to the Emperor's Halo Maniple!
Unlike my previous Warlord (104 - Dominus Victoria) this one has the original Alpha head. I have armed it here with the newest in my arsenal, a Macro Gatling Blaster and the previously seen Sunfury Plasma Annihilator. I still have two Arioch Titan Fists with Vulcan Mega Bolter Arrays to paint as well as procure another ranged weapon, as the Macro Gatling will eventually go to Warlord #3, a "DakkaLord"... 
Here is the re-branded Titan Banner, adopted from the previous owner, and Astorum-ised...
The red heraldry of Atarus has been preserved to honour the Titan Machine Spirit as well as the previous paint job.
As Dominus Victoria has, the Certificate Number is proudly displayed on the torso armour. And rather than the Maniple white stripes, I have preserved red ones.
The Warlord Heraldry also has a nod to the past, preserving a red stripe underneath the Warlord icon.
From this view you can see the preserved Atarus red scheme, the Void Shield vanes, onto the Apocalypse Missile Launchers, onto the shoulder armour and down onto the upper arm armour. Not too much to detract from Astorum, but enough to quell the Machine Spirit and mark the victory at Beta Garmon.
The rear, defended by 2x2 Lascannon Arrays!
Here you can see the red and blue patterns to link the past and present livery, and the Titan Certificate number repeated on the crew access hatch.
Sporting the newest Macro Gatling Blaster weaponry!
Ex Noctia Walks for Astorum!
Legio Astorum Walks!

If you fancy making your own Warlord Titan from Forge World, I have a handy Construction Guide here: 

The link to the whole Titan Construction process can be found HERE.

Legio Astorum will Walk at the next Titan Owners Club UK event, where they will be battling alongside other Forge World Titans! Remember to register your own Titans at Titan Owners Club, and if you want some cool Titan Owners Club merchandise, we even now have a Spreadshirt Shop, any profits go to running these events or buying Titan sized terrain for future Walks for all members to enjoy :)

Cheers, Princeps Siph :) (75pts)


  1. Wow, another fine engine. I love how you've refurbished this new engine while maintaining and continuing its original legacy. The new heraldry looks fantastic.

  2. This is outstanding! The heraldry is such an amazing highlight. I love the fact that you also use the number on the crew access.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)