16 Sept 2022

The Knights of Ryza March! Centaur Knight Lancer - Complete!

Hello one and all! A few weeks of absence hopefully makes the heart grow fonder? maybe. I've been busy with a combination of work/stuff and also projects! Inlcuding this one that is now 'finished'.
This is a Knight Centaur Lancer, utilising several kits to produce these results. The Lancer is of course, the Forge World model, with the lower portion a 3D kit bought from a well known auction site. I believe it is by 'themakerscult' and to confirm, is one beautiful, glorious kit. The lancer shield is from Taro Model Maker, and the base was from a seller on Ebay.
The knight is from the house 'Dominus de Ryza' latin, for Lords of Ryza, the knights are a supporting house for my Crucius Titans.
The kit was great to put together, you need a lot of patience to get the legs correct, (dry fit/try/try/test) as they the legs have several parts and need to line up correctly for the model to stand, I built the model with all the panels removed so that I could paint it in subsections - the armour, the weapons, the endoskeleton, shield.
The knight endoskeleton was painted black, then highlighted up with silver and greys. The armour was initially undercoated white, then I applied XV-88 to add depth. The armour was then sprayed with 5/6 coats of an Orange pearlescent colour. this was allowed to dry prior to each new coat. I then taped the model to then spray a matt black on to the armour panels to add contrast.
The spear was picked out with blue hues, to again add contrast to the orange/black I've also used blue as a spot colour for the wires across the model. Verdigris has been applied to all 'copper/bronze' areas to add a sense of age to the knight. The model had had LED's installed into the head, I am just waiting on a battery pack to then be able to get them lit- these are 2mm Orange LEDS.
I've also applied home made decals to the Knight, I used photoshop to create the heraldic symbol, utilising an image I found on google for the house symbol - a horse head with a partial cog around it.
I need to add the knight name to the shield banner, but this will be done once the other Knights are added to the house.

Thanks for stopping by! LH (20pts)


  1. Great looking Lancer!

  2. well that is unusual! I bet it has a great battlefield presence too, with the lance and shield and longer body.

    The orange turned out really well. What paint was it? (on top of the XV-88)

  3. Excellent work! A great focal point model and gives off vibes of Rogue Trader.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)