3 Jan 2022

Siph’s Hobby Goals and To-Do List 2022

Hello all, well I’m not one for New Year’s Resolutions as I never stick to them and I prefer a less than rigid “goal” to work towards… so last year I was away for the most part with work, however a backlog of completed miniatures kept the blog ticking over nicely and when back in the country I could add to these posts and keep it going once again. You wouldn’t have noticed (even if you were monitoring, lol).
Rather than a wall of text, some photos of last years gems.
I had a bit of a Necron push
Alas, this year I am called away again with work, but have less posts to rely on, so you will see a drop of on regular content - fear not Blogger, it’s not the winding up of another blog heading for instagrat/facespam… it’s just I’m busy away :)
So, goals - perhaps this year when able:
  • Reduce some mass from the to do pile… failed miserably and added more last year! Whether this means sell what I’m never going to get around to, or trickle a few projects through when able, we will try. I have a disgustingly large capitalist greed pile of shame - Siph’s to-do Mountain
  • Complete Lucius Warhound
  • Construct Warlord no.2 - note construct, not complete haha, record so far is 3.5yrs…
  • Get Lord TITANium Halfpenny to post more regularly once again, someone has to keep it up
  • Paint some Custodes
  • Attend Titan Owners Club Walks when able - highlight of last year.
So, there you have it, some simple goals. I’ll blog when I can and get that Halfpenny character turned-to! 
Have a great 2022, and a safe year avoiding Nurgle’s pox once more! 

Cheers, Siph


  1. What an awesome amount of progress you made last year! Some of those are just astonishing to behold...well done good indeed sir!

  2. Excellent accomplishments. I look forward to seeing what 2022 brings. Cheers and Happy New Year!

  3. Good luck this year, mate. I look forward to seeing what you can do :-)


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)