31 Jan 2022

Its that time of year - Squaduary 2022 - Relictors Space Marine Biker Squad

Tomorrow is the start of my Squaduary project, My calendar year has two hobby community highlights I partake in, October "Dreadtober" and February's "Squaduary" - and its February so it's time I grabbed something that has been sitting around on the painting desk for all too long and got it finished!
Squaduary was run by Stepping Between Games blog, Thousand Eyes used to plow through the interwebz and Instagram for the Squaduary pledges and pooled them together. Last year this didn't happen (Covid?) but unperturbed I am doing it anyway even if the community isn't!
In 2020 it was a Devastator Squad with Heavy Bolters
In 2019, I completed a Vanguard Squad of Skitarii for my growing AdMech army.
In 2018 it was a Squad of RTB01 Beakie Marines.
And in 2017 it was the first squad of RTB01 Beakie Marines.

So, this year is a Biker Squad to join my Biker Cohort, I have four squads of Space Marine Bikers already but these will be armed with just basic weapons to pretty much bulk out other squads if points allow or get re-armed at a later date. I already have:
  • 2x5 Grav Gun Bikers
  • 1x5 Plasma Gun Bikers
  • 1x5 Melta Gun Bikers
  • 3x Attack Bikes
  • 1x Chaplain Bike
  • 1x Librarian Bike
  • 1x Captain on Jet Bike
  • 1x Master of the Forge on Bike (Techmarine with Conversion Beamer)
  • 1x5 Scout Bikers
Wish me luck and join in if you want! Cheers, Siph


  1. Excellent. I too soldiered on with Squaduary last year and will again this year. Can't wait to see the new bikes. Best of luck!

    1. Great to see others along for the ride, more DKoK DAM?

  2. I've been working on my Tyranid Warriors for weeks now, unfortunately they'll be complete halfway through squaduary and there's no way I can start a squad and complete them in what time will remain. :(

  3. Good luck, mate!! I will be participating in Squaduary too this year.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)