21 Oct 2020

Dreadtober 2020 - Week 3 - Pledge Complete - Relictors Leviathan Dreadnought


Hello Dreadtober-teers!

Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, going throughout October and hopefully completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) Check out the Dreadtober Blog in the Sidebar >>>>>
So, I really knuckled down and before I knew it, I had finished the pledge ahead of time! Meet the newest addition to the 4th Company Relictors Space Marines, a Relic Leviathan armed with twin Heavy Flamers and two Grav-Flux Bombards! Close range heavy-death for anyone who strays too close, heavy infantry, hordes and Imperial Knights, we care not!
The Grav-Flux Bombard received some brasswork and green 'grav' gubbins akin to the rest of my force's Grav Weapons, all which have a brass muzzle and green workings - stands out from the blue Plasma effects elsewhere.
The Green is also replicated in the 4th Company's codex compliant coulour markings, along with some big '4's if you were in doubt!
The base received some slate chips unpainted just drybrushed with the base highlights of Karak Stone and Ushabti Bone to link it into the rest of the base, simple and effective. 
The base also got some "Gamer's Grass" tufts and a big giant skull from the Box of Skulls kit. 
The black kneepad is the Chapter badge, white skull on back field. (For ease I used the decal skulls, not a sideways skull as Relictors should really have but I have 10yrs of Relictors - I'm not going to change anytime soon! - until GW supports with decals?!)
I have also magnetised the Grav Flux Bombards so I can re-fit with Close Combat or Melta Lance dependent on the battle and delivery in a Dreadnought Drop Pod.
And here he is alongside his Brother from 5th Company, two 'thicc chonky bois'... Thanks for dropping by and keep going Dreadtober-teers! Another week to progress where you are at!

Cheers, Siph (5pts)


  1. Nice. Waiting to see the FW rules to see if I am going to be getting and running a second of these bad boys in my blood angels

    1. Thanks mate, and I’m sure they will still be short range heavy death. But I do recommend magnets to swap out depending on the Force composition you are facing.

  2. Mighty fine, mighty fine!!

    So umm...which decals do you use specifically for your Relictor infantry? I'm uh, asking for a friend...

    1. Either the line of five Command Skulls from the bottom of the normal Space Marine Infantry transfer sheet, or the Command Skull decal from any of the Primaris sheets, White Skull on Black shoulderpad. Company colour on trim of pad, 5th Co. or 4th Co.

  3. Strong play knocking that out so quick, looking really well there.

  4. Finished to great effect! Congrats on pulling the project in early.

    I like the Grav weapons...haven't painted any myself yet so I may 'nick the green standard for my own Dread arm (and eventually the guns in my 1st Legion infantry) .

    Love the look!

  5. Nice one Siph all done and looking great!

  6. Looks awesome, Siph! I love how you painted those Grav-flux bombards and all the little details!! Turned out great, and wow you knocked it out fast, well done! :)

  7. Great work Siph! Love the green accent shoulder and the grab-bombards. Beautiful.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)