17 Aug 2020

Legio Astorum - Reaver Titan No.2 - WIP #5 - Heraldry and a Name

Hello Titanseers and all, welcome to our humble slice of the blogosphere. This is where we were last post, the structure was taking shape and while the epoxy resin and pins dried, the Head Unit was completed.
This week I continued with the build, the first of the Arm weapons chosen, a Battle Titan Laser Blaster, I think the Titan will be a 'Disco' Reaver first, but with two Battle Titan Volcano Cannons put aside for the Warbringer "Vesuvius" I will be able to swap out and lessen the reactor load. A 'Disco' Reaver has two Battle Titan Laser Blasters and a carapace Dual Turbolaser Destructor. I already have a carapce Turbolaser Destructor converted and painted ready.
I started some of the Carapace armour, this is the internal side of the top curved Carapace piece, painted the same as the Weapon Servitors in the Internals.
And here is the Carapace Armour heraldry painted - it's name I hear you say - well, being a childhood fan of Action Man, I named it in High Gothic "Aquila Oculus", 'eagle eyes', lol. The heraldic badge is taken from the Lucius Forge World halo sigil, the Legio Astorum's home world, and a 'Aquila' Eagle using the House Hawkshroud hawk sigil but rotating it and trimming it somewhat.
The script on the long scrollwork is the decals from the FW Legio Astorum decal sheet, now sadly OOP and I am running low, but not prepared to pay eBay scaplers £200+ for a £25 sheet!
The Knee Heraldic Badge, made from an Adeptus Titanicus Astorum sigil, the Imperial Knights Hawkshroud sigil, a Collegia Titanicus 'T' and Lucius script from the FW sheet and a red half Aquila from the Imperial Knights FW Sheet.
The large brass Aquila was aged using some Nihilakh Oxide in the recesses.
As I had two Void Projectors missing from my recent Hound "Lupus Regent", I needed some alternative void projectors, so after fitting the internal 'lamp' from the Warhound kit on the rear Carapace, they would make great Void Projectors / Banner Pole positions - topped off with some spare Lucius Hound Void Projectors from a wrecked terrain piece.
This week's update comes to a close with some progress on the Legs, a spray basecoat. Next the Blue and Gold trim on the ankles which needs doing before fitting the Armour. Reaver "Aquila Oculus" will Walk soon!

Cheers, Siph.


  1. You must be an old git if you remember https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqVpHrd1O6Q . That carapace is impressive! It looks like an ornamental cuirass when separated from the body. May your engine kills be many and spectacular!

    1. Aye, old indeed. Thanks. And yes the coolest Action Man thing I had was a quite large hovercraft thing. Plus the jeeps, helicopters etc. But Action Force was even better, Action Man but at Star Wars scale, I think US called it GI Joe, not sure was Aus called it?

    2. I had the Action Man Sea Wolf Submarine. My brother had the plane/boat/car thing! I loved Action Force but my dad was dead set against me getting any as I'd had loads of Star Wars figures and Action Jacks/MACs which were the precursors of Action Force. These were slightly smaller scale but they were brought in because of the fuel crisis and not much oil for plastic toys the size of Action Man hisself. I loved the old Action Man catalogs which were far more WW2 focused with checkpoint sentry boxes etc.

    3. I only had some sort of Life Raft thing which I stole from my cousin. The cat chewed off my gripping hands too, the little monster. My friend had a Millenium Falcon. I made friends with him because he had a Millenium Falcon.

  2. That has to be the coolest name in Titan Lore. You did need to equip your action man with the soft type boot as they didn't fall off or rattle. Another accessory was the .45 pistol as per Starsky and Hutch for the inevitable shootouts.

    1. Indeed both. I did like the fact that he had proper moulded on blue pants too.

  3. Wow, that carapace is AMAZING. Well, I mean the knee would be amazing if it weren't i the same post at the carapace. It must be jealous indeed. Seriously though. all great work for a truly magnificent engine. Stomp on to victory!

    1. Yes, the knee is a jerk... lol. Thanks mate, but we intend to Walk to victory and kill all the Stompas! ;)

  4. All hail the blessed verdigris!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)