6 Apr 2020

Legio Astorum - Reaver Titan Build No.2 - WIP #2 - Clean Up

Hello Titan fans and all, I return to the Reaver project after getting much waylaid as usual... the COVID 'lockdown' means I have had a bit more time on my hands, WFH opportunities has its benefits now there has been less travel to and from work and no outings taking up the evenings, so those big projects that take time and seem daunting are more in reach and possible, plus, I've got to have a hobby whatever job I might get sent to at short notice - so getting stuff done now before the call comes!
So, I've been busy cleaning up the resin gates and vents, filing smooth irregularities and laying out the bits to see what the task ahead entails, I've already checked off the parts list on first opening and all present and correct. The only parts that needed some work was the interior panels where the recessed weapon Servitors are housed, they needed some gentle filing and sanding to fit flush inside the main torso piece. The rest of the Titan is a good clean sculpt.
I've ploughed through most of the Titan pieces now over a few evenings whilst either chatting to other Titan buddies on discord, or listening to 'Mechanicum' on audible, so one bag of pistons yet to go...
Next comes the bath time and scrub, then the fun begins, I've ordered some more JB Plastic Weld in anticipation, I have one pack, but I know I'll get through that. In the meantime, stay safe and well all, a big thank-you to the NHS staff here in the UK, a different frontline to what I'm used to thinking about, and if you have time and the opportunity - get one of those hobby tasks you've been putting off done!

Cheers, Princeps Siph


  1. Ooooh. If I save all of the petrol money for the next three months....

  2. Spoke too soon, called up... in London assisting NHS HQ... but took my Reaver with me in case I get an hour or two before bed, long days but expected. Stay safe all.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)