27 Mar 2020

Legio Crucius - Reaver No.2 - WIP

Hello one and all!

Weemen should really be renamed titanmen for the number of titans on here! I've started the build on my second Reaver - name to be asigned soon!
The model has been washed and scrubbed, and then prepared for the build. I spent an evening cutting away all the flash, then the same evening to add all the various pins to help hold the model in place. The next phase is to add the magnets to the torso, and then to fix the joints to place. I am in two minds about the pose- whether to have her striding forward, or to have a fixed stance like my other Reaver.

More to come soon..

Stay Safe everyone LH


  1. A fine addition to the Crucius Maniple... I better get my skates on!

  2. You guys are addicted.

    I'm just jealous


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)