8 Nov 2019

Deathwatch - Corvus Blackstar Flyer - WIP

Hello one and all!

This week I've re-started on another project I started ages ago - a Deathwatch Corvus Blackstar.
I really like the look of the model, and feel it is one of the best Space Marine flyers for overall look. I am using the same metallic black base as the recent Dreadtober Deathwatch Dreadnoughts, and then will follow the same recipe to complete it.
The weapons have been picked out with a red basecoat, which will be the colour of choice for all my Deathwatch weapons to contrast against the black.
The Corvus Blackstar flyer will be based on a base from daemonscape these are amazing bases which I plan to use for all the Deathwatch force I am putting together.
Thanks for looking! Cheers, Lord Halfpenny.


  1. Coming along nicely! I love the look of the Corvus, just a shame it's not that great on the table.

  2. I must be the only person who thinks it's not exactly aeroplanish enough.

  3. Early days on the paint job, obviously, but I like the base swap to give it some grounding.

  4. thanks for the comments guys! slow progress..


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)