14 Oct 2019

Dreadtober 2019 - Week 2 Progress - Siph's 'Eddy' and 'Fury' RT Era Dreadnoughts

Hello Dreadtober-teers and all, some more progress made this week. I actually finished half my pledge with Venerable Brother Dreadnought "Eddy" finished.
What's Dreadtober? Well, Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished and hopefully completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) Check out the Dreadtober Blog, click the banner in the sidebar >>>>
Venerable Brother Dreadnought "Eddy" sports a modified Lascannon, using the original arm and a resin Baneblade Lascannon muzzle to distinguish it as a Lasscannon, it will represent dual Lascannons as per the Codex options, maybe it has a higher rate of fire, lost to the mists of time and STC technology!
I heat stained the exhaust stacks and mounted Brother "Eddy" on some slate pieces to add some height and match the height of the more modern plastics Dreadnought.
The Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon has integrated dual Bolters which will represent the stock Storm Bolter, so that is easy enough to represent, and I added some Smoke Launchers on top of the sarcophagus again to add a little height. The green shoulder trim here is for the 4th Company colours.
I chose to adorn the face plate with a retro-style teeth motif, and added a skull to the base. The A and B of the legs can just be seen on the ankle joint, I removed most of the letters standing proud, so it is less noticeable. The big '4' is for the 4th Company "Eddy" will be attached to.
And here is the progress so far, Venerable Brother "Fury" with his Lasscannon and Missile Launcher a little way away from finishing but I am confident to have both the Brothers finished by the deadline at the end of the month, most of the work is now done!

Keep going Dreadtober-teers, I'm enjoying seeing the progress! Cheers, Siph. (5 points)


  1. Those dreads are a fine blast of nostalgia! Congrats on surpassing your halfway point (careful though, given your rate of progress I'm liable to send my project to you to finish for me...).

  2. Always lovely to see such old models get a fresh lease of life.

    1. Aye, these will join my RTB01 Beakies and Mk1b Rhino as Venerable Dreads

  3. Nice work! I love all the little extra details bringing them to life (and a little more up to date-ish). Lots of hobby love there.

    1. Thanks mate, the nipple gun had to go and have a decent Las Muzzle!

  4. Eddy looks awesome man! Such a cool retro model and your paint job is so good (love the teeth motif!) it totally makes it look like a modern kit, great job! :)

  5. So awesome. Great model and nice work on him too.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)