6 Sept 2019

Warhammer World Titan Muster - August 2019 - Picture Heavy

Hello one and all, Last week, August 31st saw a gathering of Titans at Warhammer World HQ in Nottingham, UK - here are a few pictures of the event!

Legio Crucius

Legio Tempestus

Legio Mortis

Legio Fureans

Legio Mortis

Legio Ignatum

Legio Solaria

Legio Metalica

Imperial Knights, Knights and more Knights!!
 Loads of Taranis Knights for their Taranis Owners Club muster

Other Titans

And a T'au Manta!
Some amazing models - and a great gathering of titan owners, including several Titan Owners Club Princeps, here's to bigger and better Titan events at WHW hopefully!  Cheers, Lord Halfpenny.


  1. I wish I could have come, but it seems there may have been more Engines at the TOC Walk and we got to actually battle with them, maybe next year eh WHW? Lol. Knights beside, the Taranis Owners Club (another TOC) is always very impressive to see!

  2. The Taranis muster was the biggest yet but if I recall the previous one there seemed far more variety last time. There seems to be a large groups of Knights painted in exactly the same style ie more Knights but less owners, would that be accurate? Just an observation.

  3. Some lovely engines there. My favorite has to be the Warlord in white with a pair of fists. Really going to mess up someone's day.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)