15 Apr 2019

Terrain and Scenery - 3rd Edition Starter Set Ruins

Hello Readers, another thing off the to-do pile that has been languishing there for a fair few years! These ruins come from the 3rd Edition starter set, many many of these must be out there in circulation!
I fancied some scatter terrain, small enough to add interest and practical to be useful enough for a squad to benefit from cover so I added a base so the area would be clearly defined.
The ruins with the climbing plants was in a job lot of second hand terrain I picked up years ago, to this I added the other ruin to make the pair.
I added some piles of sprue offcuts as rubble and based using sand and PVA (Elmers) painted the same as my bases, Mournfang Brown, Karak Stone and Ushabti Bone.
I added some dyed flock patches and a few tufts of GW Middenheim Tufts and done.
A nice small scatter terrain for the battlefield. Terrain is the third often neglected army on the table, hopefully this inspires you to get some done.

Cheers, Siph. (5 painting points)


  1. Just to prove there really are plenty of these in circulation, I've got a painted set myself. I've been using them for about a decade now!

  2. Still the best starter box terrain they ever did!

    1. Yes. The crashed Aquila Lander was great, but doesn’t offer much beyond looking good. These were functional and provide nice cover.

  3. Nice to see some oldies trotted out and dressed up! Looks great. I have a bunch of that stuff kickin' about. Great inspiration!

    1. Glad I inspired you, now I want to see them :)

  4. Looking good! I've always had a fondness for those ruins. Simple, but they do the job.

    I've got several sets of them as well. I loved the extra little bits of rubble that came on that sprue for basing larger Models, too.

    1. Yes, great sprue, I’ve even got one of these ruins as the base for a cut away Flight Stand for the StormRaven when I get around to it!

  5. I need some! Getting along with my own terrain too (which you already know) but interestingly I have an MDF kit I'm making in parallel to my Sanctum Imperialis that I'll paint up in the same way to prove/disprove you can mix and match plastic, MDF and kitbash and not create an unholy monster of a table. Time will tell...

    1. Haha, look forward to it. I’ve a Gates Of Antares “Generator” terrain piece that will make a great Necron building that’s MDF. Looks really fiddly.

  6. Great work! I've got a stack of these that need to be based and painted, thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Happy to inspire, to give your Deathwatch some well needed cover!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)