7 Dec 2018

Be'lakor The First Daemon Prince Conversion

Hi One and All,

Steady week on the painting front, with both Abaddon and Be'lakor getting a lot of painting love. For this post I'm showing the completed Be'lakor conversion that I've done.
I've used the above picture from the codex as inspiriting for the model, I also had a 'spare' Balrog model from the Lord of the Rings game, the model was originally going to be used as a Skarbrand model.
I've converted the models hands and sword from the daemon prince sprue, these were green stuffed into place to make sure the fit was perfect.
The colour scheme, using the above picture as my guide is a simple black undercoat, black over that, with a wash, then highlights. The daemon cloth and should pad were picked out in purple to match the purple sword. The wings were painted with an old 'Elf Flesh' with a wash of sepia over that.The flames were picked out with an initial Memp' red, then heavy highlighted with Troll' Orange and then Flash Git' Yellow.
I'm really happy with the overall look of the model- definitely pleased with the conversion.

Cheers, Lord Halfpenny (10 Painting Points)


  1. Nice work matey - has he been blooded in battle yet? :)

    1. Not yet.. hopefully soon! thanks for the comment.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)