6 Nov 2018

Happy Blogger Birthday WeeMen - 10 years today - Thanks Lovely Readers

Well, an arbitary milestone :) Thank-you lovely readers for giving us the inspiration and inclination to keep posting about our hobby related musings. I originally created this Blog to share with my bestie the hobby stuff I was up to, and his hobby stuff shared with me. Now, the goal remains pretty similar, we recognise the efforts all Bloggers put in, the sense of community with other Blogger Buddies and a nice, easily found archive of our hobby exploits the insta-gratifying Social Media platforms fail to provide (imho).
In a time when Blogs all over report a loss of readership, we are happy with our lot - anyone beside ourselves reading is still a wonderful bonus!
From humble beginings we grow and remain, doing our own thing, Advertisement free, and hopefully we've inspired a few hobbyists along the way. Thank you GW, FW and BL. And the readers of this humble corner of the Blogosphere...

Thank you all.

Here's to another ten years (if Blogger stays alive...) and we'll keep reading and commenting on fellow blogs we visit and feel free to check out the great blogs in the Sidebar, we know it takes time and effort to produce decent posts and some of you put in tons of effort, more than us!  >>>>

It's customary (perhaps) to do a free giveaway here on WeeMen at an completely non-important arbitary milestone, so, whilst their might be nothing for this one we are nearly at 1 Million pageviews, we'll do a giveaway then :) I just have to secure a nice gift for the lucky reader/charity raffle winner - the previous one at 500,000 hits was only 2yrs ago.

Cheers, Siph, Lord Halfpenny and the elusive (but hopefully coming back soon with Titans) 6thDegree!


  1. Congratulations! And nothing arbitrary about 10 years, that is a significant commitment of time.

  2. Titans for birthdays ! The precedent has been set !

  3. Thank-you all, you are part of that community I really like about Blogger. Cheers! And check back when we hit a Million page views, I'll have to do an arbitrary giveaway - but maybe for charity?


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)