18 Oct 2018

DreadTober 2018 - Relictors Ironclad Dreadnought - End of Week 2

Hi, thanks for dropping in and hello fellow DreadTober-teers, a small amount of progress was made despite me being busy this week with preparations for the Titan Owners Club (FB) Walk UK massive titan battle at the weekend. But now back and concentrating back on the smaller scale Dreadnought!
I managed to finish the claw arm, the green denotes 4th Company and will be dulled down when Matt sprayed, at the moment the 'Ard Coat varnish used to seal the transfer shows. I undercoated the Hunter Killer missiles and finished the head and smoke launchers. As you can see I basecoated and washed the Sarcophagus and mounted it on the stumpy legs - details and highlights yet to do.
The finished arm, rather pleased with the power claws subtle fade to dark using Nuln Oil over Kantor Blue and the lenses, I'll 'Ard Coat the lenses afterwards.
I also 'heat-stained' the Melta Gun, slightly richer irl, but basically silver-black-blue-purple-sepia using washes only, a simple effective tip for realism and interest.

Progressing well enough, no more Titan distractions will mean I can hopefuly get the majority done ths week coming. Cheers, Siph.


  1. Indeed, the color transition on that claw does look good!

  2. Great progress and lookin' good! The calw came out very well. Congrats on the effect. I'll look forward to next week to see where you're at. As an aside, I loved all the titan walk pics...looked like great fun!

    1. Yes DAM it was an amazing day of battling! TOC already planning a Walk in June.

  3. Great work! Looking forward to seeing all the Dread-tober entries marching to victory.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)