15 Jun 2018

Chaos Daemons - Khorne 40k Additions

Hi One and All,

A quick post on some additional completed daemons for my daemon army, this time of a Khorne flavour!

Samus, Daemon Primarch of the Ruinstorm

I opted to paint Samus with a beast look, with his skin brown rather than the normal 'red' appearance. The model was also built up on a base to change the overall look of the pose. The armour was painted with the same metallic style as the Brass Scorpion and Kytan, and then the model had several coats of Blood for the Blood God over his body. The dead marine was painted in the style of a Dark Angel, I plan to add addition helmets to the model as he kills models in battle as trophies.

This model I've had for ages, and have done before as Skulltaker on a Juggernaut, however 8th Edn has seen an end to that with GW not issuing rules for it now. I've used the same scheme as before with the flame sword to match my other Bloodletters. 
Uraka, The Warfiend

Again, this model has been sat on my 'to do pile' for ages, and finally had time to complete the model. This was painted over a black undercoat, with the skin painted red like my Bloodthirsters. I've tried to paint the model so that it fits with my Khorne units, however it stands out, the horns were painted black, different to the brown/cream horns I've done previously.
Again, I've saved space to add additional helmets/skulls for major kills in game.

Skull Cannon

This Skull Cannon was painted in 2 stages, the cannon and the Bloodletters. The cannon was drybrushed grey, then silver over a black undercoat. The Bloodletters completed as per my other Bloodletters.
The new units on the battle board
Thanks for looking!


35 points to the annual painting total!
  • 10 for Samus, Daemon Primarch of the Ruinstorm
  • 10 for Skulltaker
  • 10 for Ukara, The Warfiend
  • 5 for Skull Cannon


  1. Wow! Great going mate, another 35 points for the year total, when I tot these up at the end of the month, it’s gonna hurt 6thDegree and I totals...

  2. Holy moley !

    Hey Siph - Gonna need another Titan....


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)