21 Feb 2018

Squaduary 2018 - RTB01 Tactical Squad - End of Week 3

Hello All, thanks for checking up on my Squaduary progress. I made really good progress this week which I am happy to report, only bases left to do. Squad Cato is now at full strength and has all its Marines present and correct. My new favourite is the hazard striped chainblade accessory Bolter armed Marine! Although front row, second from left has really striking eyes :)
What is it all about - a bunch of hobbyists getting motivated to do long overdue Squads... Rory at Stepping Between Games blog has done a great job corralling us all again this year to pledge to get some paint on our piles of grey plastic. Loving it so far this year, really helps seeing everyone else's work - Rory will be posting the penultimate week progress report tomorrow..
Cheers for stopping by, and keep up fellow Squaduary-teers! Your progress continues to astound me in cases and motivates me to keep to the schedule, which I'm glad to say I might be ahead on now ;)

Cheers, Siph


  1. Beakies! That squad looks great, fine job painting such old sculpts. Makes me regret parting with mine along the hobby way.

  2. Nice squad ! love the beakies !

  3. I hope you are delighted with your progress, I am. They really look great.

  4. @ Dave, they pop upon eBay occasionally and are not too overpriced.
    @ Zzzzzz, Michael, thanks!
    @ Rory, I am suitably delighted and motivated to finish ahead of time! Thanks!

  5. Awesome! Always loving seeing the old beakies again - They look great!

  6. nice job. Those stripes are tight!

  7. @ Mordian7th, Thanks man. That’s two Squads I have now and a Rhino :)
    @ Grenn Dal, cheers, I did Averland Sunset first, marked lines with Micron Pen and then painted.

  8. Loving the RTB01 beaky marines... owning these as a kid shaped all my future hobby choices

  9. @ Dave g, me too mate, me too!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)